Chapter 8: Forget it

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Frida wakes up from her sleep as she opens her eyes to a warm feeling on both her back and her face. It smelled amazing, like some vanilla ice cream, but the moment that she opened her eyes she was met with sleeping Zeke's face. She rose up rather quickly coming to the reality of the events last night, trying not to wake the boys, she swiftly brushes her finger across their necks trying to feel for a pulse. They were just deep in their sleep.

"Sigh...this is a mess, Valen. How can I possibly hide them? Obviously, they're angels but why are they around here of all places?? This place hasn't seen an angel since my dad was ruling but still, even then that was a long time ago." Frida says as she climbs out of bed pacing back and forth in her room

Valen yawns and flies on top of her tentacle hair, Frida smiles and hums to herself as she holds Valen in her arms, as the sun begins to rise the day was coming more and more.

The guards knock on her door, as usual, to let Frida know to do her daily speech to the people. Frida exhales deeply as her pale rippled dress turns into a black revealing dress, she opened her door and walked out as shes greeted by all her subjects. The maids, servants, and guards all greeted her with such greatness and respect as always. But it felt weird to keep such a obvious lie from all of them.

"Milady" says the lead servant

Frida looks up and sees her main servant lead: Norino

He was the servant of her father until his departure, but he served all previous kings until now a queen of all royalty which has been a difficult task.

Frida walks past him as he turns his eyes from staring at her body. As she stands at her tower down to the massive crowd of people she notices the demonic air had a slight offense to it.

Angel pov

They were woken by the knocking on their door, Lady walked to the door and talked to the small witch letting her know that the daily speech was underway. 


"Hey guys get up"

Everyone groaned as they get up and put on their disguises as they exited their small home while following the crows very closely. They stop and looked up seeing Frida standing at her podium.


"So that's the known demon queen"


"Talk about a hotty"

Fara kicks him in his knee causing him to hit her head in response. The other monsters around them made a hush sound meaning that it was going to start.

3rd pov.

After the meeting, Frida walks back inside but before she could say anything, her servant walks in front of her. 


"Milady if I may ask...who are these gentleman?"

Frida turns and sees Luke standing in the entrance with his hands in his pockets. He smirked as his apperance changed drastically but that damn stance was him for sure.


"I've been telling these fuckers I'm the prince of the underworld, what's so hard to understand?"


"With all due respect prince, but where's your entourage cause you need it to hold position here"


"Oh look at you trying to tell me what I can and cannot do"


"Whoa whoa boys relax, hey Luke its nice to meet you...sorry Nornio its my mistake, I forgotten to tell you I was inviting my childhood friend Luke"

Norino shrugs his shoulders before giving a side eye to her and Luke as he walks away dismissing himself. Frida sighs to herself as her staff walk away, but Luke kneels down to her level and whispers.


"For a queen you sure shake like a rabbit"

Frida squeaks as her tentacles wrap around Lukes neck very tightly causing him to gasp and grips it tightly. She pleads for him not to grab it but what escaped was just pleasure sounds as she rips her tentacles in half. Both of them gasp as the tentacle pieces drop on the floor turning into ashes.


" sensitive are you?"

Frida still breathing heavily as her eyes turned from pink/blue to a dark purple hue. She walks up to him while giggling softly to herself. Climbing onto his lap to his chest, she comes really close to his face, Luke gulps for a moment trying not to grab her cause of the burning sensation.


"You wanna know how sensitive I can be? How about we explore that together"

She says as she tries putting her hand under his hair to see his eyes, but he grips her wrist causing a burning sensation on both ends. Both wince in pain shaking their wrists as she blows on hers, he gently uses his shirt under hand and kisses it softly causing her to blush.


"Perdón por lastimarla Sra. Frida, pero gracias por salvarnos a mí y a mi hermano " (Sorry for harming you Ms. Frida, but thank you for saving me and my brother)

Frida blushes more as she looks down at his chest then back at where his eyes would be. She nods then gets up causing him to get up as well. She grabs onto the tip of his shirt and guides him down the hallway, it was a room with two massive doors in front of it.


"What's in here?"


"My private courters"

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