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Chapter one

I stood behind the counter, legs acing. I sighed when I heard the bell rang indicating that there was someone else who wanted something from me.

“Hi I’d like a caramel Frappuccino” the girl placed her purse on the counter looking for money.

I sighed again I didn’t feel like making anything we were about to close and my co-worker had just started to clean up “I’m sorry , but we just started to clean up, and-“

“Do you know who I am?” she looked up at me “I’m a regular… Louis Tomlinson’s girl friend?”

I just stared at her, I hated being interrupted “Am I supposed to care who you are?” it came out meaner than I wanted it to. My co-worker glared at me.

“Make my drink” she moved her stupid sunglasses that she didn’t need because it was freaking 9 at night “I probably make your paycheck, and most definitely make more than you…”

I rolled my eyes “Congragu-fucking-lations you want a cookie?” I quickly covered my mouth “I’m sorry…”  I looked over at my co-worker who stood still, shocked. I looked over at the “Regular” and slowly moved my hand from my mouth “That wasn’t-“

She motioned her hand in a shushing motion “I’m not coming here again, I’ll send my boyfriend in next time” with that she left.  I held in all my frustration, she once again interrupted and also shushed me.

“The fuck is wrong with you!” My co-worker Sarah yelled at me “Do you know who that was?!” I shrugged my shoulders and continued to clean “Louis Tomlinson’s girlfriend Eleanor Calder” to prove I didn’t care I gave the “Do I give a fuck” look.

“Can we please just clean up Sarah?” I sighed.

“Avery,” she started to clean up again “You can’t talk to people anyway you want, you need to filter yourself…”

In my head all I could say was “fuck you…” Over and over again “I- Y-You don’t tell me what to do…” I whispered. Sarah sighed.

“Need a ride home?” Sarah sat at one of the booths

“I was thinking about walking, cooling down, thinking…” I smiled

“Whatever” she joked and left. I sighed; everyone told me I needed to filter. I locked to door and saw the Eleanor girl outside with a guy. Eleanor glared at me.

“HEY!” the guy called at me, I looked over Eleanor who was walking away.  “Louis Tomlinson” he smiled when he finally reached me

“Eleanor’s boyfriend” I sighed

He laughed “Yeah…” He didn’t sound too pleased. “Sometimes I don’t know what to do with her.”

I stood still shocked that he shared this with me, a complete stranger “Sorry, people say that I should filter myself” I smiled I wanted to hug this random dude.

“I would love to stay and chat, but I have to get home, I’ve gotta come back to this fuck shit hole at 7 am” I smiled and started to walk away.

“WELL,” I heard him yell and catch up with me “A girl walking alone at night doesn’t sound like a good idea does it?”

I looked at the ground and smiled “Wait didn’t Eleanor walk alone?”

“Ehh-“ he looked over his shoulder “Maybe I should get her?” he looked at me for agreement but didn’t stop walking

“Maybe,” i sighed “She is your girlfriend”

He smiled weakly and turned around. I smiled and kept walking forward. 

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