Chapter 4

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Hunter's Pov

  "Wait a second. These are not crimes, none of you didn't do anything wrong," I said to everyone while looking at Lilly's wanted picture. "You all are just a bunch of weirdos, like me," I whispered the last part to myself. Then suddenly I felt the tower shake. "It's warden Wrath hide!" The cat-girl said to me.

  I ran to the closest cell and pulled down the bars. The door opened to reveal the warden. He looked to be wearing a plague doctor's mask. "I can hear you," his voice was dark and menacing to hear. I stayed in the corner to take less room from the cell door.

  "Just what are you fools whispering about," he said, before looking down at Lilly's wanted poster. "Aw, the owl lady," he says, before crumbling it and smashing into my cell's door. Then the small girl began to speak gibberish again, and because of it the warden opened her cage and grabbed her.

  "Let this be a lesson to all of you, there is no place in society for you. If you can't fit in," I stared in horror at the words spoken by Wrath. I saw him walk out with the girl in his hand. Once he was gone I lifted up the bars and got out of the cell. "Don't worry, I can get you out," I said as I attempted to lift the lever, but it was too heavy. And I am the freaking quarterback on my school's football team!! I am not weak, but the lever is so heavy.

 "Just get out of here kid, while you still can. Enjoy freedom for us," she said to me, but I frowned slightly. I didn't want to leave, but I had no choice in the matter, so I left while looking back and sighed. I saw Lilly before she spoke ", I just checked. The warden is currently tormenting someone. So we should have plenty of time to get the crown and get out."

  I just ignored what she said and walked to a large wooden door. "My crown it's close, I can sense its power," King said while running to the door and trying to get it open. "It's adorable when, King gets power-hungry," I heard her say to me. "It's not far that they are all in here, they just want to be themselves. Why does everyone think being weird is so bad?"

  I then heard King grunt as he opened the door that said contraband on it and giggled in excitement. "C'mon before, King tries to hurt himself," Lilly said while sighing. I then heard King getting hurt, and saw him ram his head on a barrier. "We have a human remember," Lilly said while smiling. I took a deep breath before walking into the barrier.

  I walked in to see a bunch of garbage, but at the top was a burger queen crown and smiled. I was able to grab it and walk out with it smiling. I then heard, King say ", my crown." I handed it to him and he accepted it happily. I just smiled looking at King while he gained a 'subject'.

  Lilly was going to explain, but I stopped her ", No need to explain. I am guessing you guys don't have much. I am just happy you're both happy." Lilly began saying ", well we owe you one. Now let's get out of here before the warden comes and loses his head." I then saw Wrath, and he said "it was too late."

  I then saw Wrath turn his hand into an axe and with a swift motion cut off Lilly's head.

  *time skip to later cause the author is too lazy*

  After today's events, I was exhausted. Making a resistance takes a lot of energy. Lilly then spoke ", Well a deal is a deal. Let's get you home." She then snapped her fingers and the portal key floated to her. She pressed the eye of the key and the portal door opened.

  I walked to it and then looked back at Lilith and King. King looked down in sadness. "Before I go. I know it's not the same but a king shouldn't be without a crown," I said before taking out a tiny crown I keep in my bag for emergencies.

  "This shall suffice," I heard King say, which caused me to give a soft smile. "Oh, and don't forget this," I heard Lilly and handed me my book back with the pamphlet. I stared at my book for a moment and realised. "Ok, I know you got your head cut off and we started a prison riot. But this has been the most fun I ever had."

  "I don't fit in at home, and you don't fit in here. If I stay we can not fit in together," I said a little happier. "Lilith I want to stay and become a witch like you," I say to her. "Humans can't be witches or do magic," Lilly truthfully said to me. " If you can teach me how to become a witch, I'll do anything you want," I told her.

  "Let him stay, he can make us snacks," I heard King say while I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "Well, I could use a hand keeping this furball out of the cupboards. Alright, I'll teach you how to be a witch. But you will have to work for me before you learn any spells. Deal?" Lilith spoke to me.

  I smiled and shook her hand," Deal."

  Lilly showed me where I would stay. It was a mess but I would clean it later while getting my sleeping bag out and unrolling it on the floor. Before changing into my shorts and a tee-shirt. I layed on my sleeping bag and grabbed a photo framed with me, uncle Belos, and my uncle's husband Adrian and set it next to my pillow.

  I then heard my phone beep and I went to pick it up. I saw my uncle's message 'how's summer camp?'. I slightly frowned but then heard a fake cough and looked up. I saw King before he said ", your sleeping cocoon looks fluffy." I smiled and patted down on my sleeping bag.

  I saw him twirl in a circle and then curled up and fell asleep. I awwed before texting my uncle back 'I think I'm going to like it here' before I nodding into sleep.

 Hey guys sorry it took so long to update. I have been really busy with work, school, and graduation ceremonies. I am back and will update once every few days to once a week.

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