Chapter 1

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I woke up tired that Monday morning.  The reason why, unknown to me.  I simply knew that I was tired.  Nothing more to it than that.

I ran my fingers through my hair, noting the roots to be on the oily side.  I don't mind getting my hair washed.  To be quite frank, I am indifferent to it. It taking hours for my hair to dry is the only thing that irks me.  

I heard my abuela  yelling in the distance for the rest of the household to get up.  I promptly got out of bed and put on my clothes.  The weather had been quite humid lately, so, basing my decision off of that, I made sure to chose attire that was breathable.  

By the time I'd finished brushing my hair, I could have sworn that it'd gotten more oily.  Odd.

I walked to the kitchen where my family rushed to get out of the house-- or, at least some of them.  The males in the house always got to leave.   I hardly ever did.  

To be honest, I like it here.  But, I also don't.  It's weird like that.

They rushed, carrying their breakfasts with them out the door.  And there I stood, waiting for every last one of them to leave before I got a chance at the breakfast.

"Buenos dias mijita."

"Buenos dias abuelita"

Abuela smiled. 

"Hay, que gusto me da que estas aprendiendo el espanol"

"Mmhm, yeah" I muttered through a mouthful of oatmeal.  My Spanish is okay. I think 'spanglish' best describes how I speak it in everyday interactions.  I am better at writing and reading it---I think.  I only speak it well if I've practiced.  

"Mijita, go with your cousins en la sala y lee los libros que tu Tio compro.  I will come by soon to check, so make sure you do it"

I got up, put my plate in the sink, and left for the living room-- leaving my abuela to drink her coffee and watch her novela.  I did not go to the living room.

Instead, I walked back to the bedroom and grabbed the bag.  I stuffed it in the belly portion of my tights.  My clothes were loose-- so no one would notice a slight puff in that area.

I then tidied up, opened the window, and helped myself out.  My dress caught on the windowpane, tearing it a bit.  I should have been stressed.  I should have been more hypervigilant.  Instead, I was just annoyed--unfazed by virtually anything.

At last I made it out--and I saw them.

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