Ashes to Ashes

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Hello ladies and gents! This is the first time I have written on Watt-pad in over two years. Here is the animated version of this story on my YouTube channel:

"Do not let the soup burn!"
My sister said this sternly as she was walking towards our front door. "I mean it, Serge Gonzalez! Watch the soup while I am gone". I do not remember the last time my sister went on a date. It feels like it has been forever. She said these words as if I was the one to ruin whatever date or relationship she had last time. I did nothing wrong. I had no idea where her tone was coming from. Did she not trust me? It seemed unfortunately so. I was tempted to hesitate, but I didn't. "Don't worry, sis. I got this", I reassured her. "When you get back from your date with- 'so-n-so', you will still have your precious soup waiting for your arrival and you two can hold hands into the sunset". She seemed aggravated once I said this, and honestly for a minute I started shivering. Was a cold draft coming through? I thought she may kill me, but I grew up with her. She knew I was joking and that my comment was mere affection to wish her farewell on her date. "Okay, bye moron!" She called back at me, chuckling while she grabbed her purse and headed out the door to her glistening blue car.

Little did she know that her worse nightmare would come true- her and her precious little soup would never see each other again.

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