Chapter Two

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Yeonjun woke up in a cell luckily the cell had a bed he could sleep on, every day a young girl who introduced herself as Shin Yuna the daughter of the person who kidnapped him, he was confused about how this young innocent girl was the child of the rebels, but she came downstairs to give him food & water even when her father and the other rebels weren't she came down to talk and play with him.

Back to the Kingdom:

After a while, they had finally checked on Yeonjun but he wasn't there, making Jennie & the others very concerned they checked all his favourite spots he would go to but nothing.

They concluded that he had been taken, making Jennie sob a bit, " They probably need a ransom so we'll just wait for it" Yoongi while comforting his younger sister. 

" What if they don't send us a ransom what do we do then, we can't tell the people they'll freak out," said the Queen.

Suddenly Jennie remembered something " His necklace, we can use that to find him besides not a lot of people will have that type of money to get Gold apart us Royalty and Rich Merchants," Said Jennie her eyes still red from crying.

Our Long Lost Royal Sibling| Yoongi & Jennie & Yeonjun & YejiWhere stories live. Discover now