Survival of the Fittest

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"Instead of working for the survival of the fittest, we should be working for the survival of the wittiest - then we can all die laughing."  -Lily Tomlin


"You're kidding me, right?" The tall brunette croaked, on the very brink of breaking down in tears. "I'm very sorry, miss." The doctor apologized, giving the girl a pat on the shoulder. The blonde stood there, her head buried in her hands, tears falling. Last but not least, the brownie appeared extremely guilty, exchanging apologetic glances at the brunette. "I hate you, both of you."

One Month Earlier... 

"I wouldn't dare get in a car with you ever again," Tyler stated as he walked home with Steph. "Oh come on, I was high on coke. Please please please come with me when I take my drivers test," Steph begged, giving him puppy faces. He broke and gave in. "Yay! I just love it when things go my way!" She cheered, hugging him and headed to the front door of her us with him. "Alright, I'm probably home alone again. Whatever," she muttered, opening the front door. "So they're letting you retake the test?" Tyler asked, heading over to the kitchen.

"Yup except I'll need a drug test to prove I'm off coke and capable of driving," Steph explained, grabbing a knife and heading towards Tyler. Immediately, he jumped back, got to the ground and attempted to cover himself. Steph stood there, confused about this then proceeded onto cracking up. "I'm not gonna hurt you!" She giggled, rolling her eyes. Tyler stood there, feeling utterly embarrassed and stood back up. Tyler looked at her for a few seconds, dug through his pockets and tossed her his car keys. "Come on, lets go drive around," Tyler grinned and led her towards the door.

About ten minutes later, the two were in the car, still sitting in Tyler's driveway, Steph looking irritated at Tyler. "I'm not gonna crash the freaking car!" Steph shouted as they argued about safety. "That's not what I'm scared of! I'm scared of you driving into a lake!" Tyler started, pointing at the lake in front of his house. "Stephanie Rivera, don't you dare start this car," Tyler warned her as she turned the car on. She punched him, smirked mischievously and pulled out of the driveway. As they drove for a few minutes, Tyler stopped himself from holding into the door in case of emergency. Steph grinned and drove out of the neighborhood. "You see? I can drive, that experience two years ago was only because I was high," Steph told him, driving into the neighborhood a few minutes away from theirs. Steph drove around, ignoring Tyler's complaints from doing so. "Screw off, okay?" She muttered, immediately stopping the car as she saw Jordan and Andy making out.

Tyler groaned as she got out of the car and tapped on Andy's shoulder. He jumped, backing away from her. "Well hello there," she sarcastically greeted. "S-Stephanie!" Jordan gasped in surprise. "Full name now? There's a lot to explain now, isn't there?" Steph asked, purposely scaring Andy. "Jordan and I are engaged," Andy blurted, running off. "A-Are you mad?" Jordan asked, looking at Steph. "Mad? Nooo." Steph answered, leaving.


"I GOT IN!" Nalani cheered as she checked the mail later the next morning. Nalani got into Harvard, her dream college. "Really? That's great sweetheart," her dad congratulated her, giving his daughter a big kiss on the cheek. Nalani grinned and headed towards the kitchen where she proceeded onto making breakfast and meeting Jordan on time to head to school. Nalani cheered with Jordan on the way to Trujillo, over thrilled with the news. Tommy saw the girls and gave Nalani a big hug when he found it. "That's perfect. Just imagine us one day, you as a lawyer and me as an athlete, having seven kids running around our four story mansion," Tommy in visioned, confusing Nalani. "Seven? I thought we agreed to two?" Nalani giggled. "Well I figured I want more than two copies of you, so I'm sticking with seven," Tommy grinned.

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