Two Of A Kind: New Beginnings

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—Ch. 2—

Leah sluggishly made her way into the bus as it arrived. She sat next to a random boy in a seat because all the other seats were taken by people she didn't know and that was the only open one. The boy grinned at her, causing Leah to turn away and roll her eyes. It was going to be a long three months.

- _ - _ - _ -

Leah jumped off the bus after a swarm of other kids, unconcerned about what the camp counselors had to say, ran off crazily. Leah sighed and took a few deep breaths as she came to a halt at the entrance sign. "You got this, Leah," she said, adjusting the backpack straps, "it's only a few months, you might find a friend, like mom said."

She looked around at all the kids, who were now her peers, hoping to make friends with some of them. But, based on how they acted, she began to reconsider what her mother had said about the whole friendship thing. Leah cringed slightly, "Yeesh, this is going to be a tough one," she said, gripping her bag straps tightly.

"OK, Evergreens!" The camp counselor announced. Every single student ran and gathered in a large group. Leah simply walked, albeit sadly.

"Before we begin, my name is Mrs. Patry, and I am the lead camp counselor here at this... well, camp!" The lady laughed and smiled. Some of the students didn't seem to have the same energy as the lady; most of them were around Leah's age, and some were middle schoolers. So they were obviously ecstatic and sugar-high, whereas Leah and the rest of her "highschool buddies" were practically ready to die. Although not all teenagers are depressed about summer camp, at least 9 of them were actually ready to enjoy this. But Leah wasn't one of them, that's for sure.

"All right, now that you know who I am, I'd like you to form groups of five so that your respective cabin directors can bring you to your respective cabins," Mrs. P said, pointing to the log houses with porches. They looked surprisingly well; camp must've had a lot of money to be this good. Maybe there WAS hope for leah, and she was just overthinking this and not giving it a try. Oh well...

Leah didn't know where to go because there were kids all over the place, picking and choosing who they wanted to be in cabin with. She felt even worse when she realized that some of them had already become friends. Leah mumbled nervously, "Rats..."

She did, however, eventually find a group of four. She mustered up the courage and walked to them, asking, "Hey, would you mind if I join? I don't have a group yet..."

"Sure, I guess," the girl with blonde hair, who was assumed to be the self-proclaimed "leader," shrugged. Leah joined them in the huddle, along with one more girl and two other guys. Leah was uneasy when they just stared at her as if she were the odd one out; to be fair, she was. Leah just waved and smiled awkwardly, then they turned away. Leah shrank.

Soon after, another lady joined the group. "Hello there, you five! My name is Miss. M, and your cabin is right around the corner!" she said cheerfully, motioning with her hand for them to follow.

They followed her to a cabin that said, "A-3".

- _ - _ - _ -

Leah fixed her gaze on the small rectangle sign hung from a nail on the door. Miss. M opened the door and walked inside, carrying her checkboard and a piece of paper with all of their names written on it. Leah and her supposed "friends" followed her inside. "All right, guys, make yourselves at home!" Miss M. smiled as she looked at the checkboard, holding a pen and crossing off the names. "We'll meet back here at 9:30 at night, so I know you teens aren't out in the woods, okay?" she joked.

No one laughed.

She cleared her throat and continued, "Breakfast starts at 9:00 in the morning, and the activity times can be listed on this paper." Miss M explained, handing the random dude the paper. She walked up to the door, "You guys appear to be all set! I hope you have a pleasant stay!" Miss M smiled and walked out the door; which left leah and her "new friends" in the pretty decent cabin. Everyone started claiming the top and bottom bunks and unpacking their belongings.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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