Industry baby

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“You want me to do what?”

“Oh come on, like it’s hard?” Says Mason and Theo has to actively restrain himself from punching the smug bastard in the throat.

“You can’t be serious.”

“As a heart attack.” Says Mason cheerfully, which honestly doesn’t do much to prove his point. “Don’t be a drama queen. It’ll be as easy as eating a cake.”

“Easy for you to say! You’re not the one that’s going to be dangled in front of everyone like meat.” Replied Theo drily.

“It’ll be fun. And also, I’ll be right there with you all, just not doing any of…that.” Mason gestured at all of Theo and Theo rolled his eyes.

“Is that supposed to, what, make me feel better? Why the hell do I get that part anyways?”

“Because you’re hot and distracting and guaranteed to work?”

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Hewitt. I’m still not doing that.”

“OK. Fine. I didn’t want to do this but-” and Theo immediately knew where he was going with that.

“Oh don’t you dare-”

“Remember that bet and how you owe me big time?”

“You can’t use that card!”

“My card, my rules.” Mason shrugged and Theo really, really wanted to punch him. “Now, are you on board  or do you want me to save that favor and make you do something much worse with it?”

“Fine.” Theo gritted out. “I’ll do it, you manipulative asshole.”

“I prefer the term persuasive.” Said Mason, still cheery. “Oh, and one last thing.” He threw two articles of clothing at Theo, who looked at him with an incredulous expression. Mason just smirked at him and Theo wondered how anyone would look at this little gremlin of a human and think he’s innocent. “Monday, after school. My house. Pick Brett and Lori up, will you?”

With that, Mason left, leaving Theo to contemplate his life choices. He was so going to kill him after this is done and over with. But, he had to admit, it was a good plan.

Doesn’t mean he has to like it though.



“How are we supposed to win this one?”

“I’m no expert, but I’d say by scoring more points than the other team?”

Liam gave him a dirty look and Theo had to fight to keep a straight face. He couldn’t help it. Liam was just so passionate about this that it was cute.

This was the last game of the lacrosse season and the Cyclones were playing against some private school whose name Theo didn’t bother to learn. And, supposedly, they never lost a game. Liam has been stressing out about it ever since they found out who they were playing against and spent practically every minute of his free time training with either Corey or Nolan, or just practicing his throws if neither of them is available.  Or moaning over how they’re gonna lose terribly. It was truly annoying to say the least.

But Theo, like the truly supportive boyfriend that he is, has listened to everyone of Liam’s rants, suppressing his primal urge to bash his face against the wall whenever the word ‘lacrosse’ was mentioned. Honestly, fuck charity. This is Theo’s good deed for the next three life times. It takes Herculean strength not to strangle Liam at times, as much as Theo loves him. The idiot just undermines his own abilities sometimes (okay, okay. And the team’s too. Not like they weren’t shit before he moved to the school or anything.) and it’s frustrating.

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