The Interrogation

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I walked down the stairs and opened the door and Jughead's dad FP walks in with 2 other officers behind him.

FP - Archie Andrews, your under arrest for the suspicion of the kidnapping of my son Jughead Jones

As I was being put into the handcuffs, my heart sunk and I started sweating out of fear, did Jughead really get kidnapped?
My vision went blurry and my ears were just ringing I didn't even notice I was being spoken to on the way to the car

FP - You know how much that kid means to me, you better be innocent or otherwise your mine.

I switched back into reality and heard what he said, it made me even more nervous and panicked about what could have happened to him, I get put in the back of the police car and I stay silent for the rest of the ride until we arrive at the station
As I enter the station I'm bombarded with more officers and I'm taken to a room, with a table, chair and a wall with glass I couldn't see the other side of.

FP - So, boy where is he and why did you take him
Ar - I promise it wasn't me, I didn't even know he was taken
FP - So why did we get a note saying it was you, all the evidence is put against you all because of this note
Ar - I wouldn't take him nor would I have hurt him, I loved him

The moment the words 'I love him' left my mouth, I knew I made a mistake, FP didn't know about Jughead and how we were sleeping around together

FP - What do you mean, you love him
Ar - and Jughead are dating, I don't know if Jughead told you, I didn't mean to...
FP - I always knew he was gay, but I didn't know you was with him
Ar - The last time I saw Jughead was last night, he said he was going back home and was going to come back, he didn't
FP - Do you have any evidence to prove that this is true

I realised that there are security cameras surrounding the entire house, all I have to do is prove I didn't leave the house once Jughead left

Ar - yes, there a cameras, hidden ones all around the exterior of the house
FP - We will have a look

I sat in that cell for hours waiting for to be called back in so my innocence could be proved. As each hour went by I couldn't help but panic about Jughead

-2 hours passed-

I get taken back into the interrogation room by FP

FP - We looked through all the footage, and you are innocent of not directly taking Jughead...
Ar - I told you I was innocent
FP - However, the kidnapping happened right outside your house, so there is still reason to suspect you could be behind it
Ar - I promise I'm not, you can check my phone, I didn't know this was happening

As I gave FP my phone, I was hoping we wouldn't see the explicit photos of me, or Jughead or even the videos me and Jughead had taken...

FP - I think i have seen enough...
Ar - Can I go?
FP - yes you can, but before you go delete all those photos off your phone, as much as you look good I didn't have the pleasure of seeing my son sucking your dick
Ar - ah, right sorry?
FP - Are you using protection in that other clip?
Ar - No... Jughead doesn't like the feeling
FP - Use protection, and I understand wanting to be sexually active but not in a park
Ar - What can I say, you gotta do what you gotta do
FP - Just be careful, your big and I don't want him to be pushed to a limit he can't handle
Ar - um... ok?, im just gonna go...

As I left the room, I got all red knowing his dad had seen me naked and seen Jughead suck my dick and more, I was embarassed.

I left the police station and ran home, I was scared and was crying on the way there, I didn't know what to do, the man I loved was taken and there was nothing I could about it

I opened my door and sat on the couch, panicking and hoping he would come back, until my phone went off and it was from an anonymous number. I said to myself who is it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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