Jeremy with Jolie

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Jeremy w/ Jolie: He's Beautiful One shot

“Jolie! Girl! Where are you?” a blond haired, tall, young man shouted as he walked down the gravel path leading to a private backyard behind a boarding house currently occupied by his band, A.N. Jell. He whistled a soft tune based on one of their upbeat songs, slipping his hands in his pockets. 

As he got closer, he heard distinct barks full of excitement. Hmm... Jeremy mused. I wonder what's got Jolie so excited. His lips twitched as he spotted Jolie being petted by a... girl?

He stopped walking, staring in disbelief at the golden haired woman squatting on the floor, petting his golden Labrador Retriever. Suddenly, Jolie noticed Jeremy's presence and ran towards her owner, tackling him. Jolie began to lick Jeremy's face and Jeremy laughed at her contagious excitement but not at the slob of dog saliva on his face. He stopped Jolie's advance and set her down as he wiped his face.

Jolie then trotted up to the mysterious woman who smiled gently at the dog, as if comforting it. Jeremy's throat dried, wondering if he should say something but the woman beat him to it. 

“Ne, Jeremy-oppa. Jolie's so grown up now. I'm glad that you took very good care of her,” she said, melancholy echoing in her voice. “I miss both of you a lot. Your hair now is as golden as Jolie's.” She laughed softly. “Just what were you trying to accomplish?”

Jeremy felt his eyes shutter at her soft spoken words. Just remembering her... It broke down at the walls he'd erected. He smiled brightly at her question. “Well... As the owner, I had to match my dog. Let everybody know that... the bond between us is definitely special.” Jeremy let out a forced laugh but his whole throat felt constricted.  They both knew what he really felt from inside.

Jolie, noting the tense moment, let out several barks, which finally broke through the tense undercurrents. Jeremy strode forward, now clammy hands in his pockets. He walked closer to her, noticing her body stiffening as he got closer... And closer. He could smell her distinct scent. Natural with an earthly fragrance.

“Why did you leave so early? You should have stayed and help raise Jolie, y'know?” he muttered quietly, his countenance darkening and eyes burning.

“Don't cry please, Jeremy-oppa. I wouldn't have left if I had a choice. I would have stayed and played more with you and help raise Jolie,” the blonde haired woman whispered, dark eyes gazing at his own before she disappeared as wisps of mist.

Jolie howled achingly at the sky as the last of her mother's spirit departed. 

Jeremy smiled at the sky, as if the imprint of his first pet still lingered at the heavens.

“Goodbye.” Man and dog both said though in entirely different languages. But language barriers never stopped whispers of farewell.


A/N: Yeah this was weird but i'm in the mood so... Fantasy one-shot y'all! Enjoy!

P.S. Did anyone guess correctly who the woman was? :P

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