Episode 6

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The scene starts with Invincible fighting some weird cat lady,he gave her a good old punch and when she recovered,he grabbed her arm and threw her through the side of an apartment,he then landed next to her amd people started applauding,Invincible then said "you welcome,just trying to keep the city safe",then a man shouted behind you and Invincible turned around to see the building was about to collapse and as soon as he was about to fly towards it,something purple and black flew in and started holding the building up..
Xero:what would you do without me Invincible
Invincible:(chuckles)so funny,you don't always save my ass(proceeds to take he people out of the building)
Xero:flaxans,lizard league,dads lectures...ring any bell
Invincible:haha....oh shit,I'm gonna be late,you got this right?
Xero:just go dummy,I got this undercontrol
Invincible:you the best(flys off)
Xero:(screams)you owe me one

Invincible and xero are with omniman in the sky,and they holding some dude and Invincible shouts "the gravity bomb,where is it!! and the weird man shouts "I'll never tell",and Invincible just sighs and asks "now what"...and Xero was getting close to laughing and as he was about to say something
Omniman:Mark,you have to scare him,make him think you'll actually drop him
Weirdman:I can hear you!
Xero:good for you
Invincible:doesn't it seem kinda mean?
Xero:well,it's not mean if you don't kill him
Omniman:alright here,I'll show y'all(drops the man)
Omniman:there,see?,now he'll tell me everything
Xero:his falling faster now....
Invincible:you gonna catch him,right?
Xero:yeah when!
Omniman:relax,in a second...

Jml:now for this scene,Mark gets taking to the office by his principle for being late and Titan broke into some laboratory to steal a chip,I didn't bother writing for these scenes because well,I still wanna keep the story unchanged but changed...oh doesn't make sense...moving on
Invincible,Omniman amd xero where in space and Omniman and Xero were watching Mark stop a meteorite,when he stopped it,omniman said "now just throw it back into space",Mark then shoved his fists into the meteorite and swing it into outer space...
Omniman:how does it feel to save the world..or atleast the county?..by the way that was a small one
Invincible:that was a small one!!
Xero:yeah,you should've seen the asteroid me and dad diverted a few years ago..
Omniman:the size of texas
(Marks phone rings)
Invincible:ah,crap.i gotta run dad
Omniman:hey,whatever that is,your training is more important
Xero:c'mon dad,give him a break
Invincible:please dad!
Omniman:(smiles)this one time okay,but xero you staying with me
Invincible:yes!!(flys off)
Xero:so what's up dad
Omniman:I'm really proud of you son(puts his hand on yn's shoulder)
Omniman:you left the guardians,you being a more responsible hero...this...this is what the world needs
Xero:thank you dad(gets ready to fly off)
Xero:whats up dad
Omniman:are you okay...these days you get a little off
Xero:dad...sometimes...look it's hard for me,everything
Omniman:okay..(pretends to sit down)I'm your dad son...you should feel free to tell me
Xero:alright dad...well,my friend Sawk,he was killed....
Omniman:Sawk?..the kid who dressed like a martial artist
Xero:yeah dad,he was killed by Behemoth
Xero:and I felt responsible,I felt I could have saved him,but I didn't
Omniman:son...come here(hugs Xero)being a superhero,isn't easy,there comes a lot of tragedies,casualties and losses...but it's hot job to not go back to those moments,look forward and be a better hero,do you think your friend would want to mourn over his death?
Xero:I guess you right...thank you dad
Omniman:now you go son,I'm sure you got bussiness you need to do as well
Xero:how'd you guess(chuckles)
Omniman:yn...I changed your diapers
Xero:mom changed my diapers
Omniman:I was there wasn't I?
Xero:love you dad(flys off)
Omniman:love you too....son

The graysons were all sitting around table and they were all eating dinner,the thing is,while Xero quietly ate his dinner,Mark and Nolan were talking and Debbie there was something wrong with her,she wasn't quite acting her usual self....
Mark:I know I can take machine head,his just a criminal with a...special head,but he does have this right-hand man...uh,iso...isotope or something,who can teleport him away if I'm not careful....mom can you pass me the potatoes please?
Debbie:sorry(passes the potatoes)
Mark:I dunno,do you think I should help this Titan guy out?
Nolan:you'd be making a huge mistake
Mark:what why?
Nolan:because his using you
Mark:I'm not an idiot,dad,I know when someone's lying,Titan never wanted to be a criminal in the first place,he has a family,his daughters sick
Nolan:even if that was true,y'all are Viltrumites,okay?you both fought off an alien invasion and saved the country from an asteroid...this is beneath you
Yn:but we heros?(Mark and Nolan look at him)no matter who the person is...we need to be heros,right mom?,you taught me that a few years ago
Debbie:helping someone is never beneath you
Mark:I'm gonna sleep on this

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