Chapter 5; Too Mushroom

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Dispite everything that has happened, quite recently, there was a small mushroom growing. Nowadays, that Mushroom was actually a home. People thought it was a glitch, others thought it wasn't a normal home, some people mistook it for Kimoko Kingdom. There was a stone path, with cracks filled with water that led to Las Nevadas. Romors about a ghastly figure, Andy new member to the SMP spread around quickly. Quackity kept changing the subject when it came to the figure, only one person knew why. Wilbur. In the past, Wilbur found Q's diary. What he saw was shocking, but also understanding, it did make sense. Wilbur wrote about it in his own journal. Wilbur kept the diary, to make sure no one else would try looking for it. Now back to the mushroom. It was taking too much room (mushroom much room- get it?)


Wilbur pressed his pen slightly onto the paper. He hesitated before writing. He hadn't gotten a letter from Technoblade in forever, he started to worry. He asked Phil, but he said they both got lost. Though, there were bigger issues. More missing posters, of people who weren't even in the server, spread quickly. Yet, there was one new person. Their name was Karl Jacobs. Wilbur didn't know much about them, but got a bad feeling about them. He asked Quackity about Karl, but Quackity didn't want to talk about him. The only person that kind of talked about him was Sapnap. Sapnap mentioned Karl having pretty bad memory. Though, when Wilbur went to interview Karl, Karl seemed to remember thing that Wilbur barely remembered. Even the past was very clear to Karl. Wilbur then went to Karl's files, to know more about him. 

"Very bad memory and often found with a purple and gold book?" Wilbur mumbled to himself. He ran his finger along the imprinted words, silently reading them to himself. He heard a door creek open and close. Wilbur looked up towards the door, and saw no one. Wilbur shrugged, and went back to his work. He kept reading, till he heard the door fling open and wind gushing in. The paper files went across the room. Wilbur stood up, and shut the door. One by one, he picked up the files. However, one file was missing. It was about if Karl had any backstory of being a criminal or a person for destruction. Wilbur didn't think much of it, its not like people who are known for destruction are in the smp. It was like that, for awhile. Soon after people joined, Wilbur lost track of the paperwork. He started rushing, not paying attention. As a result, he just let everyone join. Till this day, Wilbur still thinks about it. 

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