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╱╳╲  CHAPTER 1



“ Selirene-sama! your s-sister is dead! ”

The goddess of the moon lock herself into her private cabin where no one is allowed to be inside, she take herself into the futon and shouts in anger, pain and despair, her sister her beloved half sister is DEAD!

she didnt even take a glimpse and even had a time to be with her ever since acnologia is just strolling around the eartland searching for a dragon to kill. she and the other dragon gods hide themselves until the time will come.

Selirene drinks dozens of alcoholic drinks she could see thru the room, just to take the pain out of her chest. not to long when the elentir land she was in was earthquaking the magic that was flowing and protecting the land begins to crack , the elements went crazy . . .

she decided to go out and meet The blast of lightning created a huge dust of cloud. she could hardly see it, but then she saw a human figure who was wearing a white hood, she could see its white skinned hand only, due to the dress is long the person she saw , look onto her with a wicked smirk she could only see its lips smirking .

before its hand raised up showing a weird eyes with dozens of ring circles infront , while selirene was about to summoned her moon blade sword everything went black and could only feel herself falling. . . .



There was a small village called the hidden leaf, the villagers were peacefully doing there daily works when one of them went on panicking terrified by a golden light like that shaped as a meteor .
“ Everyone look! a meteor is falling! ” a man shouted pointing onto the thing he was saying, as everyone followed the his fingers who is pointing still gazing onto the sky that caught everyone's attention, they stopped on there workings a couple seconds after a gush of wind pushes everyone around some of there things flown away thankfully there houses was still okay and the meteor thingy only landed in the nearby forest.



a wind gushed at the office of The Village's Leader she was a bleach blonde hair busty woman that looks like a thirty years old adult that was signing her paperworks as it was been interrupted.

“ What The FUCK IS THAT!?" she angrily said before standing up.

“ get an anbu and check that thing it might be an attack from the other village! ”

“ Hai hokage-sama! "  all the so called anbu who wears an animal masked run out and starts to jump by trees to trees as they got onto the forest where the a loud explosion had landed on.

The ANBU team quickly went down , as one of them who had a pig like animal masked man volunteers on going to the thing . . but before he could go to it a small wind flown away the smoke around it and gasps to see a curvaceous little girl despite with her small body she also had a blonde golden hair that covered her face  .

her attire appears to be a small kimono with fur coating and a hood laid on top of her head. The hood appears to have a crescent moon symbol of sorts with wings sticking out on both on sides. Her kimono seems to have flower patterns on the side and zigzagged lines on the edges.

“ Oh my god, what was that all because of a little girl? ” one of the masked woman said before heading onto her to check if she is okay , lifting the girl in her arms to see its face , she had light pale skin, red cherry lips, golden eyelashes , and the most shocking part is that she had a whisker in her face that made the masked lady's eye widen behind her mask, the whisker is so familiar to a blonde boy who was a well known demon jinchuriki of a nine tailed fox though does this girl wound possibly having a blue eyes that would match the jinchuriki brat? .

“ OII! whats going on- wow her face ”

“ how is that possible ”

“ she looks a lot like that naruto brat who had a demon inside- ”

“ could it be that girl- ”

“ Y-you guys report this lead to the hokage, lets take this child to the hospital so if she wakes she could be interrogated! ”

“ Indeed! we must go now! to the hokage to report this lets go! ”  

the other 5 anbus went back to the hokage, as the anbu lady and the other 2 masked man went together with her to the hospital.


It hurts, why is this happening , i groaned to myself . . my body is stiffened in pain feeling myself shrinking before i knew it i suddenly felt another one— i was falling. . . . and it was burning my body , i wanted to open my eyes up but i just can't do it!




Pls . . .
help m-me.


as everything went on like an endless hell, “ even i . . . the goddess of the moon , cant even gave a power of light to guide myself thru this darkness , how pathetic indeed  . . ”



I apologize for having such a late update its just i have dozens of school works to do lmfao.

» TO BE continued . .

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