Chapter 1: Introduction

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"Shauna! .. Shauna Marie!! I'm serious.. you're going to be late for Uni. You're 23 and should be able to get yourself up on time!"

I heard my mother exclaim over my head. I batted my eyelids attempting to adjust to the sunlight she has just brought into my room by rolling up my blinds.

"Mother please, I have time.. its 8am" I said, hitting snooze on my alarm that was still buzzing from the 6am alarm which was set last night. "Give me 10 minutes to wake myself up and ill be downstairs with you for breakfast..please?" I asked my mother, pulling the duvet back over my head.

"Fine. 10 minutes Shauna but no longer" She exits my room and closes the door behind her. I push the duvet off me and begin to sit up. I let out a large yawn and stretch, rub my eyes and slip on my emerald green slippers and robe before heading downstairs.

"Shauna.. did you sage your room last night?" My father asks. "No daddy, I did not. I will do it as soon as I'm home from university" he rolls his eyes at my failure to have done so last night.. I don't see the big deal!

You see, I live with my mother Helena, my father Andrei, and my big sister Esther.. well I say big, she is 26 years old.. so only 3 years older than me. However my whole family are infamous witches. My ancestors have dabbled in witchcraft for as long as the family tree can be traced back to. My family have had successful careers, many which are related to the modern society.. just with a little extra magic. For example.. My aunt runs her own small business, making and selling perfumes. As normal as that sounds.. I promise you it is far from normal.. her top seller is 'Moonlight Opium' a sweet smelling symphony of flowers and water bathed under a full moon, offering both a fragrent girly scent, and protection against any negative energy's.

My mother and father, along with my sister however mainly practice witchcraft around our small town of pendle for both personal gain and help for others. Taking spell requests, along with protection kits and so on. Now, you're probably wondering what the hell I do.. being born into all this and not using any of my powers or gifts seems crazy right? Well.. maybe so. From a baby, I knew I was gifted, however seeing my deceased ģgrandparents and uncles walking up and down my staircase became such a frequent experience it was more so a part off my daily routine, so you learn not to freak out or see it as something out of the norm, instead, it has now evolved into smiling and bowing before my great grandmother's apparition on a Thursday Morning.

As far as me dabbling in witchcraft or spells goes, I have vowed not to even attempt such things unless an absolute emergency with no other options available and that emergency hasn't emerged yet (Thankfully!). I'm not sure if my capability of carrying out the rituals in which my family members indulge themselves in would prevail, with 0 experience in my own capability I choose to stay clear from such, however my family do expect me to carry out day to day tasks that will not only enhance my capabilities as a practicing witch, but also protecting my household and family and saging every night is a large part of our daily routine.

In The Middle Of The Night: Tom Holland FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now