Letter - bkdk

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I have no clue on how to start this message but I've been thinking about it for a while and I just had to write it, I don't even think I'd give it to you.

You know our past right? I have been thinking back on it and I know I have no excuse for doing what I did and I don't know why you don't hate me because I surely would if I were you. I have no right to say I miss our friendship and I definitely have no right to feel what I feel. I don't even know what I feel.

You know, you know, generic rivals to lovers story; thats not this but it's how it feels. Well to me I guess.

I realised it a while ago, that the hate and irritation I felt towards you that kept bugging me for years grew from a little spark to a huge flame. Weird analogy I know but fucking accurate.

That irritating flame is what I mistook for hatred but what was actually jelousy and I don't know what, but it was that fact that you would, and still do, follow me around everywhere and even though you were quirkless you still strived to become like all might, and against all odds you succeeded and I've come to terms with it and how you're for sure stronger than me with that quirk of yours  — but I am still going to be #1 and you know that.

Back to that feeling, that flame. It irritated me that you still thought you still could get into UA and become a hero with out a quirk and it bothered be that you believed that; that you believed you wouldn't get your self killed.
Yes. That gave me no right to do what I did but my dumbass fucking middle school brain thought that if I pushed you to believe you wouldn't get in to UA then you would try become a police officer; or something less life threatening. I know now that if you gave up you wouldn't be at UA now being a hero.

Of course, that's a fucked up excuse,
uhm... you know how fucking sorry I am right? Right?
You have no reason to forgive my mistakes and for all I care, go fuck off with half'n'half. Icy-hot would treat you effortlessly much better than I did; better than I ever could and I know for a fact that you agree even if you are too nice to admit it. I know for a fact.

I apologise, I really do Izuku.

Katsuki Bakugou [ Kacchan ]

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