Chapter 1 - The O'Driscolls Have Ruined Everything

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Hi, my name is Kaylee Jones and this story starts in the rough January Winter of 1899. The snowstorm practically ravaged through the state, this forced me and my boyfriend, Shaun, to move to a more sturdy home, it had been abandoned for a short time and was small but enough for a young couple to settle down, while the storm calmed down and the snow melted. We received a knock on the door from a lost looking woman by the name of Sadie Adler, little did I know she would eventually turn out to be one of my closest friends in the future.

She explained to me and Shaun that her husband, Jake Adler, had been shot after a confrontation went horribly wrong, by some big mad family, O'Driscolls. Sadie really needed a place to stay for a while and we let her, purely out of sympathy, the first few days were tough for her as the grief smothered her and made her down in the dumps. She was scared the O'Driscolls would find her, she escaped the wrath while she heard gunshots and shouting from her husband and they echoed down the eery forest to her that they would search for her, all over the state because of  Jake's actions.

"How you feeling today Sadie?" I walked over to her as she was sat up in her bed, I had a bowl of soup ready to give her. "I miss Jake like crazy still, but I need to accept it someday. Thanks for the food, you and Shaun have been so kind to me." Sadie took the soup and started to eat. Her eyes looked so empty after everything that happened, but me and Shaun tried our hardest to make her feel loved and appreciated, she was always kind and considerate. That's all we ever needed from her.

We got a knock on the door and Sadie looked absolutely terrified, "I know that knock when I hear it, it's the O'Driscolls.. They're gonna get me..." Shaun paced to the door, unsure about whether to open it, Sadie hid under her bed and I stayed by there, to make sure she was ok. He opened the door and 2 rough looking men stood, "You heard of a girl, Sadie Adler? She's my wife.. I umm.. Don't know where she is." The O'Driscoll looked down, trying to get our sympathy. "Bullshit, I know your games, you're out to get her, I ain't stupid. Get your rotten faces away from my house, or else." "Or else what, Mister?" The other O'Driscoll walked up to Shaun, while he tried his best to not look scared, "Shaun, leave it. Just let them go." I gave him a little reassuring smile. "You're gonna listen to that bitch?" One O'Driscoll laughed after the other said that about me, both me and Shaun filled with rage.

"You're not wanted around here, we don't have Sadie so you can go." Shaun got louder and I was scared. "Don't act tough, y'know what happens to cowards round here? They get SHOT!" BOOM! Shaun had been shot in the chest, "SHAUN NO!!" He fell to the ground and groaned in pain. Sadie came out from under the bed, "Right, I'm here! Get me! But don't ever shoot an innocent man for trying to protect his home!" She opened her arms and began to shake, as the one O'Driscoll grabbed her and the other grabbed me. "LET ME GO!! HELP!!!!" I shouted, "SOMEONE PLEAS-" Sadie and I had our mouths covered. I looked to Shaun, who was completely helpless on the floor, I teared up and hoped I wouldn't turn out the same way Sadie did.

We both then heard 2 gunshots, thinking it was the end for us, but it was actually the end for the two monsters who had a hold of us, they fell to the ground and 2 more men rushed in. Sadie and I both started to cry and fell into the corner, "Please don't hurt us.." I cried. One guy was 6"3 had a moustache and long Black-grey hair while the other was 6"1 and had a stubble with short brown hair. "We ain't here to hurt you, you are safe now, come with us.." The taller guy held out his hand and helped us both up. "S-Shaun.." I stumbled over to him and fell to my knees, "I-Is he dead??..." Sadie put her arm around me and the smaller guy checked his pulse and put his head to Shaun's heart, "Nothing.." He looked sad. I burst into a fit of tears, "Hey, it's ok.. We can get through this together Kaylee..." Sadie looked devastated.

It took me 10 minutes to calm down, but all 3 let me have my moment. "Hey, I'm Dutch. Dutch Van Der Linde. I'm here to help you get to safety, would you like to come to our house where we are staying just while the storm dies down? It's much safer and warmer for you two." He smiled slightly and he helped me up. "I'm Arthur Morgan, I've got some blankets on our horses that you can both wrap yourselves in and keep warm." "C'mon Morgan, let's give the girls our coats, they've suffered enough." Dutch took his huge winter coat off and put it on me, while Arthur did the same for Sadie. "Thank you, both of you." Sadie wrapped her arms around Arthur and Dutch patted my back. "You been on a horse before?" Dutch asked both of us, we both said no. 

"Arthur, you take that girl on your horse." Van Der Linde was talking about Sadie, "I'll take her and her husband." "B-But he's dead Dutch.." I wiped my tears again, "We can take him to camp and give him a proper burial and send off, to give you come closure." That was very sweet of him, luckily the horse was attached to a cart, so we could put Shaun in there, instead of on the horse. Dutch had a beautiful White Horse, I gave him a pat as I loved horses so much.

This was how me and Sadie joined the Van Der Linde Gang... Little did we know this would be our family for the next few years...

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