Everson Stronglock

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Everson Stronglock asks, "Sweetie, do you want know more about me?"

Belladonna Sorrows answers, "Of course, tell me more about yourself."

Everson Stronglock says, "I'm actually a mechanic."

Everson Stronglock holds her hand and asks, "Would you like to return to your world? Sorry for not asking sooner but you've clearly been so very busy with my friends which meant we couldn't talk."

"After we talk, I can return to my world. You've been such a kind guest to me," Belladonna Sorrows says.

Everson Stronglock asks, "What do you want to talk about?"

"What are your hobbies? I know you are a mechanic. Do you fix machines in your free time?" Belladonna Sorrows asks.

Everson Stronglock says, "I built and fix machines, I even do work on myself."

Belladonna Sorrows says, "That's very interesting."

"My key even winds itself now," Everson Stronglock says.

"You're very talented," Belladonna Sorrows says.

Everson Stronglock says, "I deeply appreciate your kindness, Belladonna."

Belladonna Sorrows says, "All three of you have been immensely kind to me. Do you all get along? You have a nice mansion, you're all intelligent, talented, and very handsome."

Everson Stronglock responds, "I get along well with my friends. I don't know if they get along together when I'm not around."

"You're wonderful," Belladonna Sorrows says.

"You are so much more wonderful than I." Everson Stronglock says to Belladonna as he holds her face.

"You all have been wonderful, this all has been wonderful. I will return," Belladonna says then kisses Everson's lips.

Everson Stronglock kisses her back, Belladonna holds Everson close.

Everson Stronglock says, "Do you want to leave us for now? After all it's been so many weeks you've been here. It's like you are a part of this place, like we are. "

"Weeks?! Oh, I really should be going. I will return though. I'm sorry," Belladonna responds.

Everson Stronglock hands her a heart locket, she's transferred to the world outside the lantern. Belladonna takes the lantern and puts it in a safe place, smiling at it. It's daylight. She's back in her nightgown despite clearly having changed while in the lantern.

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