𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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One Week Later

Freya was sitting in the Godswood, not out of piety but rather because it was the only place where she could be left alone without Bronden or the Starks breathing down her neck. She sighed, she hated her current predicament, but had come to the conclusion that there was no way out of it, her brother had bade her to marry Bronden Stark so she must. She sighed as she stood, it was about time she got back.

The sound of the rustling leaves could be heard against the Northern air grew louder and louder as Freya stood alone. Almost ominously. Like a sound of warning. The girl froze mid step when she could have sworn she heard a branch snap behind her. She spun around to see nothing there, but when she went to turn back around someone tackled her to the ground.

"I've got you now you rotten traitor!" The man snarled.

"Get off of me, Lord Abner!" Freya shouted as she punched the man in the face. She would recognize the Whitehill heir anywhere. He along with Lords of other lesser houses had arrived in Winterfell to pledge fealty to House Stark, but it seemed that a pair of them had strayed.

"I don't think so, you treacherous bitch." Lord Wyllard Dustin interjected, glaring down at Freya with nothing but pure hatred. "You will pay for turning your back to your own family name. You will pay for siding with the enemy!"

Freya pushed against Lord Abner to no avail, he was much bigger than she was, so she kneed him in the groin. Lord Abner howled in pain and rolled onto his side. Freya quickly got to her feet.

"In case you've forgotten I am Lady Freya of House Bolton, and last I checked you have pledged fealty not only to my house but my betrothed as well. I demand you stop this instant!" Freya snapped as she looked around for a weapon, she knew she wouldn't be able to outrun them, so she thought it easier to stay and fight.

Lord Wyllard chuckled as he glared at Freya. "We would never bend a knee to you or your husband-to-be." The stocky man spat. "You will be an example..." He said as he stepped closer to her. "To show everyone what we think of the Starks and their attempt at unity."

Freya stepped back until her back hit a tree. She saw a rock to her right and quickly grabbed it and attempted to strike Lord Wyllard on the head with it, but he swiftly grabbed her wrist in a tight grip. Freya hissed in pain as she was forced to let go of the rock.

"It's such a shame Lord Rogar ended up with such a pitiful child like you." The Dustin Lord huffed as his grip on Freya gradually tightened. "How do you think we should start this off, Abner?" Wyllard asked his accomplice while his eyes scanned over the young woman's frame.

Freya's breathing hitched a feeling of dread settled in her stomach as she realized what they were about to do.

"I think we should rough her up a bit first, teach the Starks a lesson." Abner said as he got to his feet.

"Let go of me this instant." Freya demanded, trying to pry Wyllard's hand off of her wrist.

The man grew frustrated with her attempts to escape. He brought her body forwards then slammed her back into the tree with a loud thud. "You're in no place to make demands you brat!"

Freya grunted in pain and blinked rapidly as her vision swam and a searing pain exploded in her head. Still, her vision was clear enough to make out the sinister grins on the men's faces.

"You do the honors, Wyllard. Since you're the one who seized her." Lord Abner said while taking a spot beside the Dustin Lord.

"It would be my pleasure." Wyllard said. He released Freya's wrist and ripped her dress off of her in one swift movement, Freya moved to cover herself with her arms, but Wyllard was quick to punch her in the face, the force of the blow caused her thin body to fall to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞 : A Game of Thrones StoryWhere stories live. Discover now