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April? Ah yes what an interesting girl. So sweet yet interesting. For a child aged 13 she has incountered multiple things that could ruin a child like her.
Yet she carried on going. No matter what. But her best friend was the main reason she carried on. Her best friend was called lae he was such a sweet boy.

April had always wanted to be safe and happy when she grew up but what happend to that? Now she hates everyone and everything. Cant trust no one. Heartless, cold, hurt, heartbroken. But her best friend lae is the only one she loves along with her family Ofc!

April seems to have a big attachment to lae and nobody knows why not even April.
If April were to loose lae she would go crazy. She would even go as far as murder just to keep lae by her side. As he is the one who's made her feel so loved.
He cant leave her no matter what.

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