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I'm sorry for making everyone wait for this part, I've had a lot of school work to do.

~Karl's POV~

I walked down to the track to see George sitting on the bleachers.

"Hey George, whatcha doing?" I asked.

"Oh hey, Karl!" He said in a cheerful tone, "I'm just looking at the track through the drone to see if anything's wrong, but so far there isn't anything."

"Well, I just came down to see if you needed help," I replied.

"Oh well not really, I just finished setting everything up," George said still looking at his phone.

"Okay then well if you need anything else just ask," I told him.

"Okay then, but I don't think there's anything else," he replied.

I started to walk off when something caught my eye. Something shiny like a nail. I walked over to it and picked it up and to my surprise, it was a diamond ring. I ran back over to George to tell him about the ring, but he was speaking to someone over the phone. He was talking about a ring. Specifically, the ring that I was holding.

"HOW COULD YOU HAVE LOST THE RING?" George whisper yelled.

"I don't know it must've just fallen out of the box," I heard a muffled voice.

I recognized the voice to be Sapnaps. So many questions were running through my head like "Why does he know about the ring?" and, "What was he doing with the ring?" and more questions like that. My breathing was becoming more intense, and I felt like I was going to pass out.

Luckily, I didn't because one of the crew members saw me and calmed me down. I still had questions for Sapnap and George, but they could wait until later. I ran to Dream and asked him if he knew anything about the ring and of course, he said no but he also said that he would take the ring and ask Sapnap. I said no and was about to walk away but Dream snatched the ring out of my hand and ran off, probably looking for Sapnap. I had enough of all the secrets everyone is keeping from me, so I decided to just walk down to the starting line.

I'm guessing Dream gave the ring to Sapnap because Sapnap looked relieved. George and I were ready to start the race, so we kissed our boyfriends and let them get into their cars. Everything was ready and they were going to race to the death (not really, I just thought it would sound better by putting that in there). George got his flags and stood between both cars, winking at Dream.

George finally yelled, "ON YOUR MARKS," They started revving their engines, "GET SET," they put their hands on the gears, "GOOO!!!!!" and they zoomed down the track.

Word count: 462

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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