Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Delphine. 

I was in  utter shock as Ace did his  tricks them come down like it was nothing. He smiled at me as he sat down next to me. "We can start figuring your training out as soon as you are ready" he said I nodded. I sat stiffly not wanting to move. "are you ok?" He asked

"yeah" I responded trying to smile. he looked worried and raised one of his eyebrows questioning me

"you know you can talk to me right?" he asked I nodded. But still questioning him a little trust has not got me far At all. he smiled.

"thanks Ace" I said. he nodded. 

"You know I can take a day off I already did some stuff today we can go hang out I'll explain everything to you" Ace offered. I nodded and he got up offering me his arm. I took it and we began to walk through the trailer park finally we approached the Caravan as he calls it. he swung the door open and I walked in. I sat down on the little table that folds into a bed. 

"so how'd you wind up here?" I asked 

"I grew up here with my parents. They passed a few years back my mom during birth my dad 3 years later.." he said looking at the floor

"I'm sorry" I say trying to sound sincere. 

"they grew up here too with everyone" he said with a smile.

"what did they do?" I asked 

"Acrobats like me did the ring and silks stuff like that" he answered. I nodded 

"sounds like fun" I said. He nodded 

"do you want to tell me about your parents?" he asked. I bit my lip and looked down to the ground not wanting an answer. He nodded " its ok you don't have to tell me anything" he said wrapping his arms around me. I tensed up at his touch biting down harder on my lip he let go and I felt myself relax a bit. "why don't you sleep for a little longer Dell" he suggested I nodded in response as he moved the covers back for me.

"I-I don't have to sleep on the bed," I said Ace raised one of his eyebrows. and gave a faint smirk.

"don't be silly Dell sleep," he said. I lay back resting my head on the pillow. Ace pulled the covers over me and smiled. He walked to the table taking out a little book. I didn't realize how tied I was then I fell asleep. falling into a dream.

"you stupid bitch!" my dad yelled and his hand struck my face. he grabbed me by the collar throwing me against the wall knocking the air out of me. 

"please!" I pleaded as he kicked me in the ribs sending shooting pain all throughout my body I winced. 

"was that back talk I heard!?" he screamed. 

"n-no sir" I respond stuttered fear filling my body my eyes feeling water I know what is is going to do.

"you're lucky I don't beat you too you need one!" he spat grabbing me by my hair and to the kitchen.

"no" I whispered quietly  feeling my body shake violently and he threw me in a chair as dad went for the cabinet.  

"maybe this time you stupid bitch will learn!" he yelled pulling out peanut butter. in which I'm allergic to. he took out a spoon. 

"no!" I pleaded.

"open your mouth!" he spat and I clenched my jaw he brought his fingers to my mouth prying it open 

"please!" I said desperately. 

"you know the rules bitch!" he yelled begin to stuff the peanut butter down my throat as it began to swell my air ways being cut off I can't breath.

I jerked awake as my hand flew to my throat and I shook violently begins to sob I buried my face in my hands as Ace ran to me.

Chapter 4 Ace 

I pulled the covers over Dell she needed to be re-bandaged but I'll let he sleep first I sat down by the table pulling out Mom's little book it was filled with pictures of her and dad I took a deep breath opening it reading the little entries mom wrote. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I read them all for the thousandth time. I was mid way through an entry when I heard Dell sit up panting as she began to sob. I ran to her sitting next to her. 

"Hey it's okay Delly you're perfectly safe you are right here with me" I said. She was shaking I don't want to touch me for fear she'd get scared. but I couldn't stop myself I wrapped my arms around her and she clutched my arm begging to cry harder. "Hey hey hey it's ok Del calm down you're safe you're safe" I said trying to calm he down. 

"I-I'm s-sorry," she suttured 

"it's ok you're ok," I reassured holding her close. "do you want to tell me what it was about?" I asked reffering to her dream.

"I-it was them" she said trembling. I guess it never really registered in my mind all the poor girl has been through. That they scared her this bad. I swear for the second time I will kill who ever did this to her

Hey Everybody I know I don't normally put little entries under my work but I figured I'd try it! thank you so much for reading my story! it means so much to me! Please don't be afraid to comment I would love to talk to the people who have read my work! Have a great day!

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