Chapter 11 - Crown Kisses

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The rest of the road trip went a bit quicker once Zayn and I started to get along. Well, I'd say more than getting along really.

We had just arrived at the beach and Lucy had already run off to the water. Jack simply rolled his eyes and grabbed a couple towels from the back and following her.

"I'm not really too into the you go ahead." Zayn said, still sitting in the driver's seat.

"Well I'm not either, but we can at least sit in the sand, make sure Jack and Lucy don't kill each other" I mentioned with a chuckle. One of these days they really would.

Zayn shrugged and finally exited the car. I grabbed a blanket from the back and an umbrella.

Zayn gave me a strange look as I pulled out the umbrella.

"Well excuse me, we can't all have beautiful naturally tanned skin like you." I scoffed, causing him to grin and follow behind me to the beach.

We picked out a spot far enough away from the water and spread out the blanket. I set up the umbrella and plopped down underneath it with a sigh, glad to finally be out of the car.

Zayn sat beside me, unlacing his boots and setting them aside.

"You know, I can still get sunburnt." He teased, digging his toes in the sand next to me. It was honestly adorable, but I didn't say anything.

I huffed in response and leaned back on my elbows as I watched Jack splash water onto Lucy, who didn't look too thrilled.

"How long do you think before Jack dunks Lucy under the water?" Zayn questioned, glancing over at me, his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

"I don't know mayb-...oh, there it is. He's rather quick." I said, nodding as I looked at Lucy's red face, obviously fuming.

I sighed when I realized how hot it actually was, pulling off my shirt and shorts so I was just in my swimsuit.

"You're going swimming?" Zayn asked, clearly surprised. I glanced over at him to see him staring at me intensely. I couldn't tell if it was because of my swimsuit or because he was just weird.

I shook my head "no, I don't like the ocean, I was just hot." I answered.

Zayn simply nodded and removed his shirt. I'm not going to lie, it was a struggle to keep my eyes on the ocean, but I wasn't giving him the satisfaction of another accidental stare down.

"In that case...." I heard Zayn mumble and slowly get to his feet.

I looked up just in time to see him swiftly lift me up. I was too shocked to do anything, because honestly, if a super hot guy just picked you up you wouldn't be complaining either. Don't judge me.

It didn't take long for me to realize what Zayn was doing. I could feel my chest tighten and my vision cloud.

"No...Zayn don't seriously don't I can't please stop." The words tumbled out without pauses, my fingers clutching onto his arms for dear life. I couldn't help it, and I felt warm tears on my cheeks.

My eyes were closed, but I felt Zayn suddenly stop walking. "Siobhan?" He questioned, his voice soft.

"Please don't" was all I said, my grip on his arms easing a bit now that he had stopped walking.

"Siobhan? What's wrong? I wasn't going to hurt you? Oh my god, I'd never hurt you, is that what you thought?" Zayn was ranting now, his voice urgent.

I shook my head, which was still buried in his neck. "Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"

I could feel my face heat up, and was glad he couldn't see me. "No....I...I'm...." I started but was too embarrassed to tell him.

"I'm not going to put you down until you tell me."

"I'm afraid of the ocean." I mumbled into his collarbone, sniffling quietly. I felt Zayn's chest rise and fall sharply under my cheek.

"Oh Siobhan...." Was all he said before he turned around and slowly walked back to the blanket, his voice just as gentle.

Zayn slowly set me down so that we were now standing facing each other, my face still buried in his neck. This was the most embarrassing moment of my life. What kind of 18 year old girl was afraid of the ocean?

Zayn moved away from me and I felt a tug at my wrist, and looked down to see him sitting on the blanket tugging me to him. I couldn't look him in the eye, it was all too upsetting.

I sat beside him and didn't protest when he pulled me into his lap, his strong arms holding me to his chest.

I could feel his warm breath near my ear, and I was too embarrassed to think about what was actually happening. "I'm so sorry." Was all he whispered before pressing his lips to the crown of my head.

I never thought Zayn could be so soothing and calm, and I was glad he wasn't actually a jerk deep down.

I had stopped crying at this point, but my whole body just felt exhausted.

"S'okay." Was all I could mumble.

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