Chapter 1 : Finding Goals

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Alright, so we are here.The intel I got is that I am going to hell at a cost of  loads and loads of pain.Not a positive trade.

Character Introduced:

Unnamed Teacher
Unnamed Classmates
Felix (Best Friend)
Mom and Dad

Why are my parents pretending like nothing happened.Like we don't see people coming back to life everyday.Let's just go to school.It doesn't bother me anymore as I have experienced greater suffering.

(Reaches School)

Oh Hi Felix!Man you didn't grow .....
(In mind)Oh yeah,only a day has passed.


(Walks away nervously).

What the hell just happened,why would he just....Is he scared or something?

(Sits down in the class)

All the kids are so damn scared.

Hey everyone,Don't be scared you little scaredy cats!

Man....Hell was kinda better.


(Asks a question and only i am ready to answer)

The teacher was trying her level best to ignore me but she just couldn't.


Nevermind,this question is way to hard.

I don't know what happened,But I felt intense pain in my body and a burst of of energy, burning the desk.But on the bright side,no one was hurt as no one even sat near me.Their eyes were filled with horror.As things were already not very bad.

I realized what's up.I was getting hell that and i knew it.The best i could do is live my life to the fullest and try to dig my way to heaven.

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