The Right Path

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*A few weeks later*

Y/N, Sam and the other Miyagi-Dos had just finished training as the others walked away

Y/N walked to Sam. "Hey Sam. Can we talk?" he asks her.

"Sure, I guess." she replies as the 2 of them sat down. "What's wrong?" she asks.

"Well first of all, I'm sorry for what Tory did to you." Y/N begins. "What you did at the party of course was wrong, but Tory shouldn't have gone so crazy about it." he explains.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault she goes crazy like that." Sam tells him.

"And well, could you tell me a bit about yourself. So I can get to know you better. And then I'll do the same." Y/N says to her.

Sam started telling about herself as Y/N did the same after her

*After a few hours of them talking and bonding they went home*

*Timeskip to the next day at school during lunch*

"Another week, another pissing contest." Demetri says angrily walking to Hawk. "Although I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much." he spits at Hawk after he had destroyed Demetri's science project.

At that moment Y/N &Sam arrived at the table with their food tray

They put it down on the table and walked over to support Demetri

"You landed 1 kick. You got lucky." Hawk says to him.

"You better back off or you won't be lucky." Sam tells Hawk angrily, glaring at him and putting her arms over each other.

Hawk scoffs as he sees Counselor Blatt walking towards them

"You're all going down at the next tournament." Y/N says angrily.

"Stay out of it, traitor." Rickenberger tells Y/N.

"Like you'll start anything princess." Hawk tells Sam. "Actually, why don't you go sleep around with someone new and break his heart?" He suggests mocking Sam.

Sam angrily pushes Hawk after he said that

Red and Rickenberger catch him preventing him from falling

"What's going on here, Miss LaRusso?" Counselor Blatt asks her. "You know our guidelines against physical contact." she tells her matter-of-factly. "Did she enter your personal bubble without your verbal consent?" she worriedly asks Hawk.

"Yeah, she definitely triggered me in my safe space." Hawk says trying to look hurt and act innocently.

"What are you talking about? He started by destroying my science project." Demetri explained to Counselor Blatt.

Counselor Blatt looks at Hawk questioningly raising her eyebrow

"That was an accident!" Hawk quickly said. "You shouldn't bring your toys to school anyway." he says looking at Demetri.

"I don't want excuses. I just want you all to respect each other." Counselor Blatt explains.

"She's right, guys. We should stop the aggression. Micro and macro." Hawk tells Demetri and Sam.

"Oh, give me a break." Sam says glaring at Hawk not believing a word he's saying.

"Are you kidding me, man?" Y/N asks in disbelief.

"Hey. Consider this a warning, Miss LaRusso." Counselor Blatt tells Sam. "And get these Legos off the ground, someone could get hurt." she tells them pointing at the Legos on the ground and walking away.

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