Blue and Yellow Terrors

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Christmas 2021. The day everything changed.

I was scrolling down Twitter, the usual. When suddenly, I noticed a bunch of tweets from the team of the Friday Night Funkin mod, Vs. Bob and Bosip. The tweets was about how much they hated Amor, the creator of the mod. I was confused at first... then I saw Kolsan's tweets. Amor was a groomer. The moment I heard that, my heart broken.

Just thinking about how the creator of my favorite FNF mod was a terrible person made me depressed. It was bad, I wanted to commit suicide. In order to take my mind off the drama, I decided to play FNF mods on KBH Games. I was unable to install FNF mod onto my computer, for some reason.

It was New Year's Eve at that time. I had quite some fun; I played the Whitty mod, then Mid-Fight Masses, then the Garcello mod... it was all a blur. The Sonic.exe mod, it might become my new favorite mod. It was so high-quality.

I played the Sky mod. It made me cry a bit, as the mod was deleted. Just like Bob and Bosip. Then, I saw it. The Bob and Bosip mod. I shedded a tear, I can still play it after the drama. I clicked on it to play it. Looking back at it, I should had never clicked on it. Heck, I should had just leave the website altogether.

The moment I clicked on the mod to play it, it just sended me to a page. Everything on the page was black, except for red text, which reads: IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT. This startled me. How did this website knew about the drama? But then, the text changed. It now reads: YOU SHOULD HAD JUST LET US LIVE FOR A LITTLE BIT LONGER, AMOR. Upon reading that, I was pretty much scared to death. What the hell was going on?

Next thing I knew, the text changed one more time. It now reads: IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THAT WE GOT CANCELLED, JACK. How did this page knew my real name?! Just then, my entire window closed by itself. There was now a new file on my computer, called "clickme.exe" Curious, I open the file. Oh boy, what a mistake.

What I saw was horribly. Corpses. Corspes of other FNF mods, like Whitty, Sarvente, Ruv, Sky, Hex, Garcello, etc. And all of them were killed in graphic ways. For example, Sky had her eyes torn out and her hands were broken, with a huge hole in her torso, exposing her organs. I almost threw up at the sight. What type of sick person would do this? I got my answer when the camera panned over to... Bob. That blue-haired cube boy was still alive. He was covered in blood, and was holding a bloody knife, was he the killer?!

The file was on fullscreen, so I tried to open task manager. Instead, a pop-up opened, reading: You haven't learned your lesson yet, Jack. The pop-up closed by itself, and then, Bob looked at me. That was when I noticed something: Bob's eyes weren't normal. They were black, with red pupils... and they were leaking what seemed like black tears. I also noticed that the "B" on his shirt was red instead of blue.

Before I knew it, Bob spoke. He said, in his normal voice (surprisingly), "You'll never get rid of me, Jack. NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY!" Then, images flashed. No sane person should ever be allowed to see this slideshow. The images were of dead people and animals, images from gory image websites, disasters, both which happened and hasn't happened yet, and other gory topics. I noticed that one image keeps flashing in at random. Guess what, it was my own corspe. I never realized that at the time. After the slideshow, I saw Bob again, and he was laughing at me. I noticed that his mouth was red instead of blue as well.

I tried to turn off my computer, unplug my computer, break the screen, call the police, escape from my room. All of my attempts failed in some way, and each time, I heard Bob saying "You haven't learned your lesson yet, Jack." I was stuck, forced to watch this horror. I ran to my computer, and begged for Bob to let me go. He said "You think I'll set you free? Do you treat me as a god? Well, I'm only here to make you suffer as revenge for getting us cancelled! You're going to die, Jack!" The scariest thing happened from there, the file listing all the information about me. My full name, my address, my telephone number, my credit card information, my parents' names (their full names, too), their address, etc.

At this point, all I could feel is fear. I tried to wake up, this was a nightmare! I noticed something, my webcam was on. I saw Bob again, this time on a black screen. He said, "Enjoy your last few hours, Jack." I then saw actual footage of Hell. How was that even possible?

I decided to take my mind off this nightmare. However, I keep seeing these silhouettes. Silhouettes of Bob and Bosip. They were everywhere, from my room to my kitchen. I noticed that my computer had a new notepad file. I opened it, it reads: Your time has run out. Now, they are going to kill you. So long, Jack. Did I just installed a virus on my computer without knowing?

I started to hear some muttering. It sounded like Bob, and he was saying "Die", "Dead", "Death", "Blood" and other things like that. It even sounded like it was coming from behind me! I turned around, but saw nothing. I decided to text my friend. I told him about what happened. My friend replied with "Jack, it's not like something like that can happen! Go outside and get some fresh air!" I was relieved. Until, I heard it. Bob said to me, "Oh, so you decided to tell a friend about this? No. No. NO. YOU HAD MADE A GRAVE MISTAKE! NOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE, JACK!" I lost it, and screamed. I didn't even dared to look at my computer. I don't even know if that was my computer anymore.

When I looked at my computer, I regretted it. Bob wasn't there, right. But instead, it was way worse. I saw Bosip instead. He had the same eyes that Bob had. Those black and red eyes...

I ran to my room, but it wasn't long before I heard Bosip say, "Can't escape now..." I decided to watch some TV to take my mind off this nightmare. Big mistake. Everything I saw on the TV, had something to do with Bob and Bosip. When I turned off the TV, I noticed that my room was covered in blood. The blood wrote some haunting messages, including "YOU'RE NEXT!" I tried to leave my room, but every other room in my house was also covered in blood, with messages being wrote in blood. I then heard Bob say, "We found him." I turned around, and I couldn't believe what I saw, Bob and Bosip was behind me! I tried to escape my house, but I couldn't, and from what I saw in the window, the sky has turned red.

My security system alerted me that I was being attacked. Suddenly, my security system exploded, and I was grabbed. I heard Bosip say "I GOT HIM, BOB!" Bob then said "Perfect. You are going to perish now, Jack. See you in Hell." I tried to escape. Bosip was holding me was tightly, I couldn't escape from hi

POLICE REPORT: A 19-years old boy called Jack was found dead in his house. He was muilated really badly, but one can still identify the body. It's rumored that his death had something to do with his computer, as computer screen was nothing but a black screen with red text reading "WELCOME TO HELL". To this day, the killer remains unknown.

(And there you go, my 50 watchers special! I know this creepypasta is very bad and cliche, but I don't care. Sweet dreams! Be sure to not check out my other stories, unless you're weird like me!)

Blue and Yellow Terrors - A FNF/BnB CreepypastaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora