fire ball

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It was as red as a fire when I touched it. It burned, but the dragon cooled it for me. It was as cold as the Arctic. But I had gloves on so I took it. But there was a problem, my ship was down.  So I rode on a dragon and made it home to tosh on another planet.

The planet is called Uranium, but it's no biggie. My name is Glorax and my pet is Claw. I call him that because he has a giant claw for tale. But back to what's currently happening, I may or may not have accidentally touched a glowing red rock while on the neighboring planet Protactinium while searching for a scroll. What's on the scroll, I have no idea, but I do know that it's valuable and if it ends up in the wrong hands it could destroy the galaxy. The fire rock has the power of two hundred men, and can turn into a hot looking dude named Fire Ball. If he kiss is you turn into a ice crystal. Ice crystal shots cold breezes out of your but hole and fire ball breathes fire. But this two things I didn't tell you. They're both gay, and Cold breezes ignite fire and makes fire go Boom. But they're both from different planets, one is from uranium and the other is from Protactinium. Uranium is -550,000°c and that is where the fire rock is. Protactinium Is as hot it's 553,000°c.

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