Chapter 1

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Hiiii guys!!!!
I decided to try writing stories instead of fan fictions. Hope you enjoy my story, and vote & comment!!!

I watched as my father walked around the room, eyebrows pinned close to each other in frustration. His sharp eyes never left the door of the coma where Layla Hupperin was receiving the treatment that decided her survival.

As for me, my gaze remained on my father. Surely, he can't be distressed by the news of his daughter's best friend ending up in the coma after drinking a slip of her tea. Any other man would, or would not. But not the king of Alexendar, the strongest kingdoms ever existed on earth.

This must not be the case! Years of living in the dangerous hurrem gifted me with an anxious personality, the temperament my father once said was useful for leaders. As usual, my mind was spinning in full speed, trying to come up with a reasonable conclusion and convince myself everything would be alright and I could live to see drawn on the next day.

'Greetings, your majesty,' my father turned to meet Gran Hanfloy, his right hand man. 'Princess Cherinale,' he bowed to me, yet his eyes never left mine like he should. Not out of obsession like every other young gentlemen would for their crushes, but the daring kind of stare, the stare that demonstrated his disrespect towards the crown princess of the kingdom.

'Gran,' my father's serious tone never failed to send shivers down his subjects' back, yet Hanfloy covered his fright so well you could hardly tell he was even cable to be afraid. 'Any updates?'

Under my calm and peaceful eyes were waves of bewilderment, certain that a king like my father is beyond caring for a lady, not his queen, not his heir, so absolutely not a plain woman born to a servant.

Hanfloy nodded his head, 'Her tea was poisoned,' he looked my way for a bare seconds, 'and there is more than one witness who can prove ...'

'You are commanded to continue!'

'Yes, your majesty. They can prove that Princess Cherinale gave Lady Hupperin her cup of tea. So...'

'So?' My heart beat faster then I preferred. Surely, I can't be accused of...

'We have enough evidence to believe that your Highness poisoned Lady Hupperin.'

I gracefully opened my mouth, ready to debate. I closed it before a word could escape, deciding to wait for my father to speak for me.

As his daughter, I excepted him to believe in me and get me out of this. However, he spoke the most indifferent word a father could say to his daughter, 'Put Princess Cherinale in the dungeons!'

I know it's unreasonable, but that's how stories work.
And sorry for the short chapter. The next one would be longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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