XI. July 7th, 1989

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I know I'm not a high-class woman, but it doesn't mean I'm a peasant.

I came from a long line of doctors and my parents paid off their third home!

That means, if my brother inherits one house and I get the other; then, we still have a third house to fight over!

And my brother is almost done with his student loan debts!

I don't care how beautiful Queen Meredith looks, if she ever needed me or my family help with some sort of medical problem; she's going to have to wait in the lobby with all the peasants!

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your compliment," I responded. "And I must apologize for the placement of Gwen. She's simply concerned about our friend's well-being, particularly with how the King had responded on the night of the ball."

Honestly, I have no idea what's coming out of my mouth.

I wasn't there for the climax of the ball, but I can imagine how a wife wouldn't be jumping for joy seeing her husband drooling over a younger girl.

Queen Meredith glared at me.

I smiled, "Bulteria is truly blessed to have such a beautiful and understanding Queen."

Watch how I switch this real quick.

"And now, not only are you the mother of your people but, of the children that are to come."

These are all words. I hope Asena is not pregnant.

"And these children, who hold the future of Bulteria, will grow beautifully under Your Highness's mentorship."

It's not a secret that the Queen of Asena is having a hard time conceiving children.

Am I petty enough to poke at a woman who cannot get pregnant?

If the woman indirectly calls me a peasant - yes.

Tea time did not end the way anyone expected. Queen Meredith didnt punish Dawn - mostly because she forgot about her after my stand against her - or me because I didn't say anything that directly offended her. Silent rule of the royal world - say what you want, but in a very secretive and mistrusting way.

In the car back, Dawn stared at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"How did you learn how to talk like that?"

"Well-" That is a very good question. How did I learn how to talk like that? In the past, I would've just sworn directly at them. I couldn't precisely do that here since it could end up with me behind bars, but it doesn't mean I can suddenly know how to talk like that. "I must be a genius." I nodded towards her, "I mean, I did come from a long line of doctors."

Probably my genetics makes me a fast learner.

"I'm pretty freaked out."

"By what?" I asked.

"Everything," she said.

I crossed my arms and leaned back, "I mean, it is pretty freaky how Asena is-"

"No-" she intervened, "I mean, you."

"Me?" I pointed at myself.



"Yeah," she exaggerated the word, "I mean, think about it. You know dining etiquette and you're freakishly good at ballroom dancing. Now, you're suddenly good at dealing with the social elites' wordplay?"

"I'm a genius?"

"Please. I've known you since elementary school. You can't dance for shit."

I place a hand on my chest, "I'm offended you think that way. My parents say I'm a great dancer."

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