Chapter 1- The White Fan

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I walked along the trodden dirt path many before me had. It lay in-between endless rows of pine trees that survived the winter and their predecessors of Spring time. Today was December 12th, just a little over two months past the Kyubi attack. The snow fall, which normally everyone could appreciate, was seen as tears for the fallen. It was a melancholic time to be alive. The four faces of our past leaders could be seen overlooking the valley. They seemed to be crying as well. 

My brother, Itachi, was off on a mission. He had given me a hug before he'd left. I wanted him to stay... especially with how trampled everyone was feeling. Our clan, the Uchiha, were becoming restless and tired of the accusations that we would attack our own village over something as trivial as not having a person from our family become the Hokage. So much so that I had started hearing the whispers. Every now and then I would see a man dressed in black, with a bright orange that had swirled markings on it, sneak into our compound late at night and whisper terrible ideas into father's head.

Words of destruction, "They will never listen to you or believe you...", and temptation, "Why don't you show them the true power of the Uchiha? Show them they were wrong..."

I was honestly terrified to be alone at the moment in my own home. It was a ghastly thought to realize. I was scared of my own father. That man was the cause of everything. If he would not be whispering such terrible ideas, father would not be thinking of betraying the village. So, instead of staying where it was sad, and cold, I walked to the Sakura park to see a friend I had made recently. He was about 4 years old like I was, but unlike me he was an orphan. He had the biggest eyebrows I'd ever seen on a boy, and was funny-looking to an extreme, but he had such a large heart... It made me smile whenever I could see him.

The park itself was small. Its' namesake came from the cherry blossom trees surrounding it, creating a sort of alcove away from prying eyes. Many girls and boys came here often I'd noticed, usually hiding behind a tree to play games, I assumed. There was a small swing-set, and a slide, as well as sandpit in the center of the park, although the latter was currently covered by snow.  The swings and slides were well used and had managed to avoid the onslaught of the white dots.

As I walked across the bridge into the park, I immediately saw him sitting on a swing by himself. He was dressed in only a pair of green shorts and a grey t-shirt, no jacket or shoes. He also looked more tired, and dirty today than he normally did. His hair was down as well instead of the normal braid, giving him an almost savage appearance. He was looking down, and did not see me because of this. There was a small group of children, three of them, standing near the slide talking and laughing together. They were dressed for the weather, bundled up with rosy cheeks. I ignored their presence except to make sure I knew how many were there. There were no parents in the park either at the moment.

After my initial observation, I walked over to him with my hands shoved in my pockets. When I stood next to him, and he still didn't say anything, I grunted, "Hn... hey! Do you have a brain in there today?"

Almost immediately, as I expected, tears started flowing like a waterfall from his enormous eyes in a dramatic display. He tried to fling himself at me, but I side-stepped him with a sigh, watching as he landed face first into the soft snow beneath us. He mumbled in to the ground, still laying outstretched with his hands in a grabbing motion, "That was mean Shiro-kun... I just wanted a hug..."

My earlier thoughts came rushing back to me, how all I had wanted from my brother was a hug, was for him to stay, and how I knew he couldn't. I shook my head, and saw some white specs fall from my blackened hair. Looking up, I noticed the steady pouring of snow was becoming heavier. The wind was picking up speed as well. I also noticed how my friend's arms, legs, and face were all becoming red. The slight shaking he had been trying to hide was becoming noticeable as well. 

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