First Meeting

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So, this is another one of those short stories I wanted to try because it may become of what I did with the My Life as a Teenage Robot and Plants vs Zombies crossover, where I write a short story and then write another one thanks to motivation and support it gets. Welcome to any of you who came here for one of two reasons. The first reason why you're here is because you got a notification that I created this and/or I tagged you in it and you checked out why I put your username in this part.

The second reason is, in the near future, you'll be scrolling around Wattpad and then you come across this by accident, but the picture peaks your interest and you're like, "why not?" Either way, you're welcome here. To those of you who have been following me for a while, you've noticed I've been focusing on short stories a bit more than usual.

And here's why: I've been really burnt out for creative ideas for my stories, like I can't really write without hitting brick walls every five minutes. Meanwhile, I have exotic and creative ideas like this and wish I could do them but I tell myself, "your readers want your current stories, not more things added on your plate." I'm not saying any of you are demanding, I'm just paranoid. 

I mean, I already left some of my original works that were made before my Steven Universe phase to rot, and people still comment on them, which is painful to see because they're like, "I can't wait to see more," or "when are you updating again?" Meanwhile I've indirectly made it clear that Steven Universe is my concern. Don't even get me started on my Five Nights at Freddy's stories, because they're the reason why I have so many followers on this platform. 

Anyway, another reason why I write short stories is because someone who gives me advice on writing told me that writing stuff I'm passionate about helps keep my creative juices flowing to help improve my thinking and helps me believe that when I'm writing, it's not a chore but a purpose I love doing. When I said that I can't really just make new stories out of the ground and overwhelm myself, , they told me to write short stories, and then it made sense. So that's why this story exists.

For those of you who have never seen or heard of Tom & Jerry, Tom & Jerry is the definition of the game cat and mouse, because they invented it. Tom is the cat and Jerry is the mouse, in case you didn't know., don't worry, I'm not insinuating that your stupid, because I literally did not know their names until I watched their very first movie and they both explained their names. Also, they're mutes, even though they spoke a handful of times.

And then there's the very first movie where they... spoke in full sentences. The reason why I spoke differently when mentioning their movie is because of the fact that the movie got very controversial. I'm not talking about the one in 2021 (although I bet it has controversy in it), I'm talking about the 1992 animated movie.

The reason why it's hated is because of two reasons. One of them is the fact it broke the 'unspoken rule' of Tom & Jerry, which I'm about to break the unspoken part. The unspoken rule is that Tom & Jerry aren't supposed to speak unless it's a one-time thing or if they're saying one word answers, like the show does.

The second reason (although, it's probably a personal one) is because of the Nostalgia Critic's video of the Tom & Jerry Movie 1992. He literally hates the movie because they made Tom and Jerry speak and because it's a musical. He literally acts like Tom and Jerry never spoke at all before the movie, when it's the total opposite.

Tom & Jerry meets Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now