The Peace....

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That night, I had never felt happier. Everything felt way more vibrant and my food that I had ordered tasted like it was the best thing ever. Just the thought of knowing my biggest hero, was willing to try a relationship, with me?! It blew my mind! He could clearly see that it was positively affecting me because every time he looked up from his meal he had a smile on his face while looking at me. "Hey Tails calm down you're eating way too fast! I get you're happy but I don't want you to choke!" I put my food down and looked him in the eyes, mouth totally stuffed. He laughed as he saw my face. "Oh my god this is gonna be a fun ride." I smiled as well as I could with the amount of food in my mouth, continuing to chew. Eventually I swallowed it and was relieved to speak again. "Well yeah of course I would be excited, this is like, the best day of my life. My life has been nothing but shitty and I've had to take care of myself since I was only 4." Sonic nodded, and went to eat for himself. I went back to it, and we made some small talk until we finished eating. When the waitress came by again she said that we could just go since we didn't have a check to pay, and Sonic left her a 30$ tip because he wanted them to get what they earned for serving a customer so late. I looked at the time. It was almost 1 in the morning. I was okay with walking this time so we started on our way to less of a grocery store, as those were ALL now closed, but just back home. We mutually realized something though. We looked at each other for a second and I spoke up. "Shit. I forgot to go back to Creams house." I took out my phone, which had notifications turned off all today, and saw that I had 23 messages from her and 5 missed calls.  I called her hesitantly and she and answered with "Hey uhh, where have you been all day Tails? I've been worried about you." Rightttt, Cream doesn't get upset very easily. "Heh, sorry Cream. I was with Sonic all of today." "Hey Cream! Don't worry I've been taking care of the little guy!" I turned around and glared at him and then went to speak again. "Yeah Sonic has been taking care of me, and don't worry I've also eaten, Sonic took me out for food late at night! Cream giggled and responded, "Was it a dateee?" This time Sonic spoke up, "Well in a matter of speech, I guess you could say it was!" "SHUT UP SONIC!" I could hear Cream mumbling to herself from over the phone. "Well, if that's the case, I'm happy you two are having such a fun time, I'm gonna go to sleep now, good night! Don't stay up too late Tails!" "Good night Cream! And don't worry I won't!" "Night Cream" "Good night Tails, good night Sonic." I pressed the hang up button to avoid any awkward silence. I smiled at Sonic and held out my hand, and he took it, and it felt so warm, I had never actually held anyones hand. He made just feel...happy. And like I belonged. Whenever I actually was around Sonic, I tied my tails around themselves to make them look as one, even though I'm sure he knew I did this, he ignored it anyways. I didn't want him to think I was strange. But now that I was dating with him, I let them both loose, which he noticed, and I saw him secretly smiling to himself. We got to his house, hand in hand, and went to go lay down on the couch. Sonic pulled me and I looked at him confused. "Come on silly we're sleeping in my bed." I mean I wasn't gonna complain about sleeping with Sonic. Not like that you perverts. I let him pull me upstairs and to his bed. "Go on Tails! Get comfy!" I got onto his bed and curled up on the edge. "You silly not like that, I wanna cuddle with you tonight come on." I uncurled and looked at him, my eyes shining like stars. No way Sonic The Hedgehog asked me to cuddle. I crawled over there so fast, and he ended up spooning me throughout the night, and I fell asleep in my new boyfriends arms...

(Heyyyyy y'all I've been getting more active! Sorry this is a short chapter, I experienced hella writers block before this. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Murderous Mysteries of Miles Prower, and don't worry... this story is FAR from over >:)

Sontails: The Murderous Mysteries of Miles ProwerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant