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"Jessica you are going to be late to rehearsal!" You have got to be kidding me.

"Alright mom I'm up!"

I slugged out of bed and put on an oversized hoodie from my hometown, a pair of simple black leggings, and sandals. I packed my bag for rehearsal realizing I left my shoes for Tracy and script in my dressing room at the theatre. Shit.

I ran outside and to the theatre making it right on time for vocal warm ups. Aaron greets me at the door with a worried look on his face.

"I thought you weren't coming today! We are re-blocking 'Without Love' and I can't do it without my Tracy! You go get ready and I will say you had to pee or something. Dont worry." He grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

Rehearsal goes by relatively fast. 'Without Love' is a lot better but I have to kiss Aaron at least 200 times during the process. I'm definitely not complaining though.

Now I have to move all of my crap into Aaron's apartment. I ride with him to the hotel where my mom had packed everything in boxes while I was at rehearsal. Aaron and I bring everything down to his car one by one. The only exciting part is when Aaron decided to show off and carry two boxes and ended up dropping one and tripping over it. I'm almost positive I peed a little from laughing too hard. Maybe moving in with Aaron won't be too bad.

It took 2 trips to get everything to the apartment. The spare room is large. A little larger than my room back home. There is what looks like to be a full/queen sized bed on one wall and a beautiful vanity across from it.

"I bought it last night and put it together this morning. Your mom told me you really like makeup. I hope you like it." He noticed me staring at it.

"Aaron this is amazing thank you so so so much!" I ran into his arms and gave him the biggest hug ever.

The walls were mint green and the bedding was black and white vintage looking with yellow accents. it was beautiful. There were silver lamps on the bedside tables with his CDs sitting on them. Clever.

"Aaron when did you become and interior designer? This is wonderful." he started blushing. I don't think it was because he was embarrassed just excited I enjoyed it this much.

"I have some tricks up my sleeve." He walked out and started moving the boxes from the living room to what is now my room.

Aaron and I spent all night unboxing and organizing. When we were done everything amazing. Who knew my dream room would be in THE Aaron Tveit's apartment. I'm not gonna lie and say I didn't totally fan girl because I most certainly did. Aaron just stood there staring at me like I was insane.

I called my mom and told her I was sleeping here because it was too late to go home anyway. She was coming over tomorrow morning before she leaves to say goodbye.

Aaron came in my room tapping lightly on the door. he had 2 cups of tea in his hands. When he reached my bed and have me a cup, I noticed it was my favorite tea, Throat Coat.

"You know me so well already.". I sipped at the tea literally burning my mouth.

"Well you only drink it every minute of your life." He was right.

We stayed up all night talking. I told him multiple stories of how I used to worship him when I was a child, or stories from shows I was in through school. He told me stories from when he was younger and sorties from shows he was in. We connected in such a different way. I know I can trust him.

I fell asleep at about 4:00 in the morning while Aaron hummed show tunes while laying in the middle of my floor.

Apartment 21b // aaron tveit auWhere stories live. Discover now