Chapter 11 The Salvation Army

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I got up on Thursday morning, had a hot shower, and then went for breakfast. After I finished breakfast I went into the lounge and went onto the computer to check my bank account.

Just then I heard a knock on the door. So I went to open it, I saw Major John McIntire and someone new. Major John walked in and commented "Rachel, This is Commissioner John Blue. Commissioner This is Rachel McIsaac, Until about 5 years ago she was Alan Peters of New Plymouth Corps."

"Well actually, It is North Taranaki Corps it changed because Bell Block Corps merged with the New Plymouth Corps and was rechristened as North Taranaki Corps."

They both looked at me and Commissioner Blue actually raised his Eyebrows. I looked between the two of them and said "sorry for interrupting you sir, just thought I had better correct you Major"

The Commissioner smiled as he said "No worries Miss McIsaac, I am glad you informed us about that, but I already knew that as I was on the phone with them over the last week. But thank you for correcting us. So to business shall we? Rachel I need you to look over this file to confirm that the details are correct then we can look at getting you a uniform."

I took the file and had a look. After I looked at it, I said "Yes Commissioner all these details are correct to the best of my knowledge."

"Great Ill go and get this to the TC and we will re-enroll you as a soldier on Sunday, OK Rachel?" 

"OK Commissioner."

"Oh and Rachel?"


The Commissioner looked at Major McIntire and then back to me and said "I want you to go with John McIntire to get your uniform organized. OK?"

I looked at Major John before looking back at commissioner John and said "OK then,  when are you available to go Major?"

Major John looked at Commissioner John and asked "Are you OK to get back to Port Angeles, Commissioner?"

The Commissioner looked at the Major and said "Yes thanks, I will be OK thanks John."

At that Commissioner John went out to the car, and said, "Ill meet you back at Port Angeles Corps about 4pm OK John?"

"OK" said Major John, "I will bring Rachel with me and she can meet the other person who will be training with her. OK?"

The Commissioner smiled at that and said "Great, we can have dinner together. OK? Do you have any dietary requirements Rachel?"

I looked at him and said "I am a Vegan Vegetarian for medical reasons."

The commissioner looked at me and said "OK I shall organize something for dinner that you can eat. I will see you both at 4PM"

"Great" we both said together.

At that Major John and I went to Seattle to get a uniform for Sunday. I got it custom fitted and it cost me about $750, which I thought was a bargain.

Major John also recommended that I get an officers uniform and authorized the purchase. I got both uniforms and we went to lunch in Seattle and had quite a nice lunch, which Major John paid for.

After lunch we went into the Salvation Army book shop and picked up about $1500 in books including a song book, bibles, handbook of doctrine and a few other items.
Having everything I needed, we then went to Port Angeles for dinner.
About 3.30 pm we arrived at the corps in Port Angeles and waited in the cars until Commissioner John to arrive.

He arrived at 3.55 pm Captain Bill Booth came with Commissioner John to open up and disarm the alarm. Someone else came in as well. He was 6 foot 2 inches was a very bold guy and looked great in his uniform. We all went in and I went into the ladies restroom to get changed into my uniform. I had to buy 2 pairs of black high heels, 2 navy blue skirts, 2 white blouses, a broach. I can't forget about the Tunic, Navy blue with blue epaulets.
I also pulled out my officers jacket and epaulets which were red. There were two sets of each colour epaulets, one for the blouse and one for the tunic. I also did my hair, put on my makeup, perfume and brushed my teeth. I went up to the officers and said "Excuse me, sirs, could you please keep my history out of this conversation? I want to be known as Rachel, not Alan. I am who I now am. Not who I was. I still have the same calling and I wanted to go into uniform straight away as soon as I recovered, however I could not die to well... I am sure you know."

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