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after I talked to sandro I went back to the chair because our order had arrived, when I sat in the chair simon suddenly asked me who I was talking to

Simon: hey lily sino kausap mo

I looked at Simon

Me: ah si sandro tinawagan ko lang

I smiled at him,we ate, we just ate quietly I don't know why the two are quiet when I'm with them

before two months


when we finished graduating, I went with mom and dad went home to the philippines because I wanted to be with them, lily also knew that i would go home to the philippines

Before I went home to the Philippines, Lily and I dated, I took her to the restaurant

I called lily on the phone I told her we were going somewhere


Me: hello babe how are you

Lily: I'm ok babe how about you

Me: I'm ok lang naman po

Lily: bakit ka napa tawag

Me: lets have dinner date i will
gonna pick you up later

Lily: ok babe

Me: i love you

Lily: i love you too


After a few hours, I changed my clothes because Lily and I were going to have dinner. In a few minutes, I also finished changing my clothes. I took my car key before I left. I said goodbye to mom and dad. after I said goodbye to them I left the house immediately I went in my car when I got in my car I left immediately after a few minutes I also arrived at lily house so I text her immediately


Me: babe im here na wait
for you

Lily: ok 2 minutes i be there na

Me: ok

when lily was here for a few minutes so I immediately got out of the car to approach her when I approached her I kissed her immediately she kissed me too

Me: hi baby damn your so
sexy talaga

we both laughed,I open the car door after she got in. I closed the door as well, I went to the other side to sit in the driverseat. After I got in, we left immediately, we just went to our favorite restaurant, the two of us,, almost 30 minutes away while we were still far away we just talked in the car, when we arrived at the restaurant a few minutes later, we were getting out of the car, I hold her hand as we walked into the restaurant

when we got inside, we just looked for a seat for the two of us, when we found a seat we sat down immediately, I also called the waiter so we could order our food

Waiter: good evening what is your order

we even looked at the menu so I could see what the delicious food was here because we always bought salad with steak

Lily: babe I like the salad with steak

That's what lily wants, so that's just what I chose and a wine as well

Me: two salads with steak and a bottle of wine pls thank you

we finished ordering, we just waited a bit because they were still making our food while we were waiting, lily and I were just talking

Lily: babe how are you

I looked at her

Me: im ok babe

then I hold her hand

Me: love mom and dad are going home to the philippines I would like to go with them--

She looked at me and he didn't say a word I saw the sadness in her eyes, maybe he thought I would leave her here,I don't want to go home but I want to be with mom and pops in the philippines

Me: bab--

She suddenly spoke

Lily: if that's what you want go ahead

I didn't say a word because our food had already arrived,we just looked at each other

Waiter:here is your order enjoy
your food just raise your hand if you want something else

he smiled as he said that to us

Lily: thank you

lily looked at the waiter, so that's what I do

Me:thank you

the waiter left, so lily and I ate, we didn't talk, we just ate quietly

while we were eating I took my phone to take a picture of lily while eating
after I took her picture, I put my phone on the table so I could eat, I can't stop myself from talking to lily

Me:babe do you want to come to the philippines with me

She looked at me so I looked at her too

Lily: I don't want to go home to the Philippines, I have nothing to do there

I didn't know what to say so I held lily hand

Me: babe I am with you naman

we talked until we ran out of food, I was the one who paid,I took my card from my wallet when I finished paying lily and I went out of the restaurant we went to my car,  I would have opened the door for her but suddenly she touched the door she was the one who opened it and then he entered immediately

I just didn't pay attention to that because we were just going to fight so I immediately went to the other side to sit in the front seat when I went inside I immediately closed the door

Me: hey are you ok

I looked at her,I know that she will not allow me to go home to the Philippines because she is not comfortable when she is not with me

Me: you can come home to the philippines with me, we've totally finished our studie--

I didn't finish my word because she suddenly spoke

Lily: babe if you want to go home to the philippines go ahead I know you want to be with your family I won't stop you

She held my hand after she spoke
I looked at her and then I touched her face because I didn't know what to say,I kissed her

Me: babe I promise you I won't cheat you when I come home to the Philippines I won't forget you I also promise I will always update you do not worry ah promise is promise

Author:talaga ba sandro promise is promise


Having secret relationship with my best friend (sandro marcos)Where stories live. Discover now