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My eyes opened as I felt my body move. I heard a sigh before I could really see anything.

"Oh thank God, Tommy." He panted. I brought my hands up to my eyes, trying to see everything clearer.

Instead, I felt a sharp pain in my wrist. I looked down to it and the memories flooded back. I glanced up at Dream, hoping he wasn't mad.

"We need to get that cleaned up. I didnt have bandages today. Not what I was hoping for on Christmas morning."

I nodded, letting him grab my other arm and pull me up. I stumbled a bit, but got steady for him.

When I tried to take a step, everything just kind of melted. Dream had to catch me so I didn't fall again.

"You lost a lot of blood last night from just letting it sink out. We might need to get you food before leaving. That is, if you still want to go?" He questioned me.

"I- yeah I want to go..I just- I'm sorry." I stammered. He put his arm around my body, helping me move. I didn't think he accepted my apology.

He lead me to the sea, setting me down on the edge. He gently brought my arm up, letting my hand go in the cold water. He moved it down closer to water.

I winced back when it first hit. He held me tight, but not tight enough to actually hurt. He kept going and I was forced to close my eyes and move my head the other way. I still tried to pull back, but he wouldn't let me.

"I don't actually have a cloth, so we can't get all of the blood off. We just need to soak it and try to get the hardened layer off. If we actually rub it they might open up again."

I frantically nodded, not really taking in what he said. I just wanted it to stop.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry..please..I didn't mean to..please Dream.." I pleaded, tears threatening to fall. He didn't stop.

"Tommy, it's not a punishment. This is going to help." He tried to comfort me. I couldn't focus on his words, though.

He finally let me go, and I fell back, holding my arm. He started to say things I couldn't even hear.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry..please.." I repeated.

He finally got my attention by touching my knee. I flinched back and tried to get away from him.

"Tommy." I remember that tone. Whenever I did something wrong or I wasn't listening he would use that. I just needed to shut up. He wasn't hurting me, right?

"You're alright. Deep breaths, okay?" He sighed again. I caught my own breath and started to get calmer. He just let me take a break.

"Dream, I didn't mean to, I don't know what-"

"It's okay Tommy. I'm not mad. Let's make this day a good one, alright?" He cut me off. I swallowed and nodded again.

He stood up so I followed his actions, still trying to gain my balance. He tried to help but I backed away and did it myself.

"Do you think you can go without food?" He asked me, unsure. I nodded.

"I can yeah. If anything there's probably something we can get there, right?" He shrugged.

"I don't know if anything would be open to buy" He explained. "And you can't even walk right. Come on, let's find something." I went with him, knowing he was right.

"Wait!" I stopped. "There's probably something in the food bin still." He turned to me.

"It's probably stale, you would get sick."

A Week 'Til ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now