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It was a warm sunny day, neither too hot nor too cold; when Ravi was walking towards the old tree near the Sunflower field in their village. Ravi always loved the sunflower it gave him a sense of positivity and peacefulness. However when he reached there he was surprised to see Shyam, a friend of his sitting under the old tree. He was surprised to see Shyam there because he never really went to any fields in there village; he mostly roames around the market or the river near his house.

He walked up to him and said, "Shyam it's a surprise to see you here aren't you mostly hanging out in the market or the river?"

Shyam was quite for a moment and then he sighed a long tired sigh and said, "Yes, but I wanted to be in a quite place today, since the market is always bustling with people and the many people near the river, I figured why not come here? There are rarely any people here, so I could sit here all day long and no one would disturb me."

Hearing this Ravi said," Hey...Is something wrong? You aren't your usual self today?"

Hearing this Shyam chuckled dryly and said," Was I really that obvious? But yes there is something that has been bothering me for quite sometime now...and I don't know what to do about it..."

"Well...Do you want to talk about it?", asked Ravi

"You won't mind?", asked Shyam

"No. You know you can always talk to me about your troubles you know", said Shyam while chucking a little.

Shyam nodded his head in acknowledgemeant and began to say," You see I have been having trouble with the school work and projects recently along with the pressure of my upcoming exams, and it also doesn't help that I feel like I am a failure too"

"Why do you think that you are a failure?" asked Ravi

"My grades have been lowering for sometime now and I also don't feel like studying at all these days; I have gotten countless scolding from my parents because of this too..." said Shyam

"Is that so..." said Ravi

"Yea..." replied Shyam

Then out of the blue Ravi asked " Hey, do you know what the sunflower represents?"

Shyam was confused as to why did Ravi asked him such a question but he still replied him with a " No. I don't."

"Oh? Then do you want me to tell it to you?" asked Ravi

"I mean why not? There isn't any harm in knowing" replied Shyam

A sound of acknowledgement came from Ravi before he started speaking. He said," You see the  sunflower in our lives represents happiness, warmth and devotion."

"Oh. But why did you suddenly decided to tell me this? asked Shyam

Ravi laughed before saying," Because the sunflowers always faces towards the future not dwelling on its past, it always faces towards the sun chasing after it. Just like how we people chase our dreams...our hopes...our future. We just like the sunflower should always look towards the future and not dwell on the mistakes we made in our past."

"I see" was the reply of Shyam after hearing that

"Hey! Don't 'I see' me, I know that things are a little rough now but they will soon be over you just have to push through and work hard and always look forward towards the future, Just like the Sunflower", said Ravi full of enthusiasm

After hearing that Shyam was stunned but allowed a small smile to form on his lips and said," Thank you bro, I really needed that."

"No problem", replied Ravi

"So if you are feeling better let's pick some apples from the nearby tree and eat it. What do you say?", asked Ravi

" I say let's do it!", replied Shyam bustling with energy.

And off the two went to eat the apples.


Authors note:
Thanks for reading this oneshot. Hope you liked it! And since I am new to all this the writting is a little sloppy. I will try to improve my writing skills tho.

Stay hydrated, eat and rest well. Even if times are rough they will soon come to an end and the light of happiness will fall upon you. Remember you are the King/ Queen of yourselves don't let others slow you down.

Thank you for reading once again!

Astrea out~

SunflowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora