caught cheating

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Aaliyah pov pic of Pup
I went to the park with Jack j/jj/daddy.I went to play and I saw zoe.she was with a boy.she kissed him.what is she doing I thought.I played until I bumped into them.hey lil girl watch where ur going the boy said.s-sorry I said.I ran away.Hayes was better the tht jerk I thought.I went to play.they came up to me.h-hi I said.hi Aaliyah Zoe said.u to know each other the boy said.yea we both said.oh he said.I went to the bathroom.I got out and I saw the boy.hey lil girl I'm going to make Zoe hate u so stay away or I well make u miserable he said.y-y I said about to cry.BOOM.he slapped hard and kicked me I saw black I saw daddy come and do something but I blacked out.
Jack j/jj pov
I saw a guy talking to Aaliyah.I went up to hear him stay away from Zoe.he hit her .hey don't u hit my daughter I yelled.yea he said.I punched him and I beat him up.I had a bloody nose but I didn't care.I got Aaliyah and she woke up we went to the car and got ice creamm.
Aaliyah pov
Me a daddy got ice cream.I enjoyed it.we had fun and forgot what happened.we went to the house and ate and watched frozen.after I was woken up by something licking me.I saw it was a golden was so's a boy Aaliyah daddy said.ok I well name it pup I said.pup nice Aaliyah daddy siad.I played with pup and went to my room and pup had a bed in my we went to are beds and went to sleep.
Puppys lol well bye and comment zayes or no zayes tell me in the comments bye guys

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