Prologue (Part 2)

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Daelon Vaelaleas, 6 months before the Doom

Valyria as always, was a bustling city. From occupants running around, slaves following their owners obediently, and dragons flying overhead in every colour imaginable. His own dragon last seen heading towards the Fourteen where his preferred nest was and walking into the council hall in preparation for the next meeting. It had been called seemingly out of nowhere, something that almost never happened. Normally, if it were any random House he might've thought it was another attack by the Dothraki or by the cities that were rising on the eastern border of Slaver's Bay who had the audacity to call themselves Ghiscari descendants.

For decades Ghis had warred with Valyria. Believing themselves to be the better and more powerful empire. At the time, they were still learning how to tame their dragons and as a result did not dare to use them in battle until they had no choice but to do so. The bloody battles all coming to an end in the form of a smoking city, the survivors being enslaved if they were not high up in the empire, and those that were high up promptly forced to watch as dozens of dragons put their capital to dragon fire before being killed themselves. Not much was known about what had caused it as thousands of years had passed, but it was a lesson to all. One does not attack the beauty of the Freehold and expect to walk away free.

His older brother Aerion met him there as did his sister-wife Shaera. Daelon himself was unwed, but Aerion was looking for a suitable bride. According to him, he was in talks with House Aernalys, Naralaerys, Calaenyon, and Melnaeros. All of which House's pretty low in their hierarchy but what could they do? Ever since the Targaryen's and Velaryon's had left in the middle of the night a little over eleven years ago (apart from Haela Targaryen and Rhaena Velaryon), they were in the lower three. Had they not left, they might've had the opportunity to rise themselves higher, but they had. No one in House Velraenos were free to be wed so they couldn't attempt any marriages there. Not that they would if there was, because Lord Freeholder Haelor ever since the two House's had disappeared only referred to them as backstabbers to the Fourteen.

Daelon didn't know how to feel about it all. He had been young when they had left, too young to be permitted to sit in the councils but according to Aerion a massive fight broke out to the point Alyssa Targaryen had the gall to insult Lord Haelor over the fact his parents were father and daughter. Whilst it was common to keep it in the family in their custom to keep their magic pure enough to control their magic and their dragons, to his knowledge they were the only House in almost one hundred years who had resorted to such a union.

"Where are Baemon and Jacaelor?"

"Our twins are being watched by our grandmother Saenyra. She's not been the same since her dragon passed as you know."

That he did. Braexanys was an old dragon, she had six riders total from the records of their family. Being more than two hundred years old and had not gone a day without a bond. A few years prior, the dragon finally lay down for one last time in the arena near their manse where they kept their dragons and never got up again. Not that they had needed to see the corpse to know, Saenyra Vaelaleas' anguished scream when it happened was enough. According to her, it felt like she was being pierced hundreds of times over and over again whilst being roasted alive too. The thought made Daelon shiver, hoping he would never have to experience such with his own dragon as he was old too. He was his fourth rider.

"Good news has arrived though, brother. As you'll know Jaeron Calaenyon died recently after venturing a little too far into the mines after many slaves on his lands were returned scorched, leaving behind his wife Alaenys. He only had a sister and a brother that is weeks old. She has accepted the betrothal."

Daelon's eyes widened slightly at this, shocked they had gotten a House higher than their own. Were House Calaenyon much higher than House Vaelaleas? Nay, they were not. But they were higher, which was something. It pleased him, because Alaenys had even put Alyssa Targaryen to shame according to many. He'd never gotten the chance to meet Alyssa himself, but according to many she had been the most beautiful Valyrian in the city before leaving with her husband, sister, daughter, and nephew. Many questioned why they had left, many whispering as they believed it was to do with the fight that had occurred. But no one ever spoke about it. Well, other than House Caeniar as House Tarennis had disappeared seemingly in the middle of the night too alongside them. They had always despised Daemon Tarennis and his daughter Alysanne as with her having being gifted with the sight, had found a mine which made them the richest House in Valyria, pushing House Caeniar out of the top three. Yet now? They sat proudly beside House Skraenyx and House Haelithox like they owned the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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