104 7 9

March 14th, 1997

"Detective Tanner, we got another case for you again," The policeman continued, "The Chief said that you are the best man for this case." The officer handed out a file as he finished, Tanner looked up at the policeman and took the file, quickly scanning over it and then closing it back.

Tanner leaned back in his chair and looked at the policeman with a bright smile. "Alright, I can handle this case with ease," The officer smirked and started rocking on his heels with hands in his pockets. "Well, detective you should also know that many people have been given this case and failed. So don't get too cocky and start to think this is an easy case when it's not."

The detective's smile turned into a playful smirk, he stood up from his chair and leaned on the desk. "Let me remind officer Jacobs that I am the smartest detective in this building and will continue to be," Picked up the file and weaved it in front of the officer's face. "So when I say this will be an easy case, then it's going to be an easy case."

Letting the file fall from his hands and picking up his mug, tanner began to walk toward the coffee machine. When he was out of the officer's sight, the officer turned around on his heels and walked towards a different desk.

While detective Tanner was not wrong when he said he was the most intelligent detective in the office, it wasn't like he was the only smart detective they had. They had many smart detectives in the office, they had detective Y/N, a fine-looking person with lots of smarts.

Sure Y/N didn't have the smarts, skills, or same experience as Tanner. But Y/N was their second-best detective in the office. So for Tanner not to give the credit to Y/N that they deserved, bothered Jacobs. Officer Jacobs stopped at the desk he was looking for and tap on it.

(Tap Tap Tap)

Y/N looked up from their papers and looked at officer Jacobs. Mentally sighing and putting their pen down, they prepared themselves for a random conversation that will soon lead to Jacobs asking them on a date. While Jacobs was not a bad-looking man and not a lazy one either. Y/N just could not force themselves to like him romantically, the only way they could see Jacobs, was as a friend and nothing more.

"Hello Ms. Y/N, The Chief has another case for you. Something about this recent serial killer that has been killing anyone he can get his hands on." The officer finished and gave Y/N their case file.

Scanning over it quickly, a little longer than detective Tanner has but still fast. Putting the file down and picking up a sharpened pencil, Y/N started looking over the murders that were shown in the file and then writing their similarities down on a sticky note.

"Wow, already starting the case that was just given to you? That's determination right there." Officer Jacobs looked at Y/N with amazement and love in his eyes. While on the other hand, Y/N looked at him with boredom and some anger in their eyes.

It's not that Y/N hates everything that Jacob does, but they do hate 99% of the things Jacob does. Like how Jacob does burp competitions with the other officers, or how Jacob sometimes slacks off his work, and definitely when he says something that seems stupid to Y/n.

"Well yes officer Jacobs this is determination at its best, and maybe it's because people are dying because this person has not been caught yet. Or maybe it's because I don't want this killer to get more victims. Or maybe-" Y/N was cut off by a wide-eyed Jacobs, that was quick to stop Y/n before they continued.

Jacobs nervously laughed as they started to slowly back away from Y/N's desk. "Well alright, I get it Y/N, and sorry for saying that. It was stupid for me to say that knowing the situation. Am just going to go back to my desk and work on some papers alright?" Jacobs said in one deep breath while walking further away, leaving Y/N before they could answer the question.

But that didn't bother Y/N she was thankful that he left so quickly. Because that means they could focus on their case and not some obsessed co-worker.

Turning to the back page of the file and seeing a sticky note with big red letters that said case partner, Y/N rolled their eyes. Great, they had to work with someone, just what they needed right now.

Not wanting to get more annoyed, Y/N closed the case without seeing her partner's name. "Am just going to go home early maybe get a drink on the way there." Y/N thought as they grabbed their personal belongings and walked towards the doors.

Y/N felt someone looking at her hard, very hard. Not thinking more of it Y/N opened the door and left the building. Leaving someone still staring at the place they last stand at.


"Guess it's time for me to take my leave too, won't like to see someone hurt my lovely L̸̼̞̰͘ō̵̝̭͙̊v̷̧̬̽͂́̎̉è̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜r̵̨͇̰̭̜̈́͑...."

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