Anakin Skywalker x reader 🍋

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This was a request for my friend, who loves a good morally gray character. enjoy~ ;)

also i'm completely aware that this is the exact same fic as my bakugo x reader "first time," so don't come for me please 

You sighed as you looked around your living quarters. It was yours and Anakin's first anniversary, and you wanted to do something special for it; you decided to clean up your apartment and make a nice dinner. You cleaned up everything, making the one-bedroom apartment you called home look spotless. This was a feat in itself for you, since you were known to be a little... unorganized. Finally satisfied with the state of your home, you decided to start on dinner.

Even though you had been dating for a year, you came to the realization that you had no idea what kind of "fancy food" Anakin liked. You knew he liked spicy foods, being the explosive guy he was, but you didn't know what he ate besides the usual foods you were given. After much thought, you decided that you couldn't go wrong with Sukiyaki, seeing as it was cold outside.

As you began preparing the ingredients, you opened Spotify on your phone and found your favorite playlist. You danced around your small kitchen, grabbing ingredients and singing into them like they were microphones. However, you were too busy dancing to hear the knocking on your door. You began to twirl around, hitting all of the notes to your favorite song; as you twirled to face your door, you froze. Standing there, arms crossed, with a smug on his face, was your boyfriend.

"Having fun, dumbass?"

You rolled your eyes and smiled, setting the last of the ingredients on the counter.

"Yes, Anakin, I actually was, until you interrupted me."

You walked over to your phone, shutting off the music.

"Yeah, apparently so much fun that you couldn't hear me knocking on your door. What if it wasn't me? You always keep your door unlocked, it's a dumb way to get kidnapped."

"Anakin Skywalker, you know well-enough by now that I can take care of myself. Do you really have that little faith in me?"

You gave him puppy eyes to really sell how hurt you were by his words.

"Ugh, don't give me that look. What's all of this for anyways? You told me I was coming over for a movie night."

You dropped your act, doing a little dance in excitement. Anakin raised his eyebrow, already preparing for some crazy scheme.

"Okayyy," you started, "so I might have lied about the movie night thing. I figured that since it's our anniversary, I would do something special for us! So I'm making us a fancy dinner, and then we can have a movie night. I-is that okay?"

While you weren't afraid of Anakin in the slightest, you still wanted to make sure he liked your ideas and you always wanted his honest opinion, even if it wasn't the nicest thing to hear.

"Dumbass," your boyfriend started, "you know I'm fine with anything, as long as it's with you. You didn't have to do anything fancy."

You smiled, unphased by his name-calling. You started walking back to the counter to finish preparing the ingredients. As you continued to set up the cooking supplies, you felt Anakin wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder-- a hug from behind.

"Dummy, how am I supposed to make dinner if I can't move?"

You flicked his head in playful annoyance.

"Hm, well I was thinking that I could help you? Unless you're too good for that, smartass."

"While I appreciate you acknowledging my intelligence, you know I'm never too good for you," you said, winking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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