The Outcome

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After spending twenty-five years in prison Guy finally gain his freedom back. After being locked up for so long, his first destination was Bruno's grave. He took a taxi to the cemetery his friend was buried in. Guy laid his head against the cold shaky window in the taxi, thinking about his rough time in prison. He arrived at the palace of the deaths and walked through the crooked tombstones to find his beloved brother's grave. He started shedding tears when he saw the overgrown tomb. Nature took over the whole place erasing Bruno's name it was sad to witness. After crying for hours like a baby, Guy took his courage and caught the next train to his house in Canada in hope to see Anne, his love. The trip felt like years and the walk to the house was like a triathlon. The lights were open, and you could hear noises coming from the house. Guy went up to the door trembling and knocked three times. Guy got surprised when a young man opened the door.

-Hum hi young man, is there a lady called Anne that lives here?

-Oh yes, let me call her...

The young man turned and yelled ''mom'' which left Guy confused for a moment. Then, Anne, his beloved came to the door. He stared at her for what felt like hours, but Anne soon kicked him out of his admiration.

-What are you doing here you murderer...

-Hum hello Anne, who's that young man behind you?

-You don't even recognize your own son, Romeo? Pathetic...

-Oh sorry, I haven't seen you since I got sent to jail how could I know what my son looks like...

That's when a little girl came running to Anne and pulled her dress.

-Mommy, who's that man?

-Oh Juliette-

-Anne... Whose child is this? It's surely not mine, I was in prison...

-Guy, I need to tell you something...

Then suddenly a man's voice came from behind.

-Darling who's at the door?

Owen opened the rest of the door with a surprised look on his face. Guy could feel his body shiver and tremble, and his mind felt like giving up.

-Oh, it's you... Hello Guy.

-Is this really what I think it is?

-Guy listen, you weren't there for me and our child, but Owen was. I'm sorry but this is the truth, now please would you leave us alone we were having dinner.

-Oh ok...

-Goodbye Guy.

-Goodbye Anne, Goodbye Owen, Goodbye Romeo and Juliette, I hope you live happily ever after...

Anne closed the door. Guy walked limply in the streets until he got to the dock where he took the boat Bruno died on... He sat on the edge of the socked wood leaving his feet hanging just above the water. His Thoughts were rumbling in his head, and he couldn't think straight. In a moment of despair, Guy let his heavy body fall into the depth of the ocean. He told himself ''At this point, I prefer joining my brother than staying in this living hell''. As he let the water fill his lungs, he took his last breath, his last glance at life and let himself sink into the arms of sweet death.

The outcome [Oneshot] [Strangers on a train]Where stories live. Discover now