Chapter 1 introduction

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Hi, I'm Lauren, just an average girl from the bay. I have dark brown eyes, auburn hair & an olive skin tone. I'm not skinny, but Im not fat. I hate my body. I sit there staring in the mirror. It's way too early to be awake, but it's for Sammie! Sammie is my best friend, we've been friends since the third grade. Well it's 7 o'clock in the morning. I know she's not awake. So I walk over to her room in the small apartment that we share. I've lived here since I was 17. I didn't get along with my moms husband & I don't have a dad so I saved up my money & bought this place with all my tips. Sammie moved in on her 18th birthday. We've dreamed about sharing an apartment since we were 10. I swung her bed room door open & pounced on her bed, "good morning! Happy 19th birthday Sam!". She replied in her ever so lovely morning voice "get off me, it's too damn early" I just laughed & crawled under her covers. I turned in my side & faced her "oh, I almost forgot" I said pulling two tickets out of the back pocket of my dark grey skinny jeans. She looked at me half asleep before she realized what they were. She sat up faster than I've ever seen her move. "No. Lauren. You didn't! You didn't! Oh my god I love you so much!!" "Yeah, yeah. I know you do." I responded with a smirk. I got her tickets to her favorite singer/rapper whatever the heck they are people, Kalin & Myles. I didn't really care for them much, but she was in love with them. She always had their music blasting & never stopped talking about them or trying to get me to be as obsessed as she was. I think she knows more about them than they know about themselves. Today was the 17th, the concert was on the 23rd. Which happens to be my birthday. Yay me, I get to sit & listen to people I don't even like, but I knew seeing her smile would be the best present I could ask for. I bought the ticket months ago. It was so hard keeping it from her. We got out of bed, & went to the kitchen. I made her birthday pancakes & I sat there watching her eat them. I wasn't really much of a breakfast person. After waiting for what seemed like hours for her to get ready we went shopping. She insisted we needed outfits to wear to the concert, I wasn't thrilled, but who was I to upset the birthday girl? "Lauren! This crop top would look so good on you!" She yelled. "Sam, calm down" I was laughing so hard I nearly fell "sorry I'm just super excited!". I ended up buying three crop tops, 2 pairs of shorts, & some white high top studded concerns. Sam got new makeup, vans, 5 tank tops, a skirt, & a new watch. After we left the mall we headed to Chipotle, our favorite restraunt. We ordered then sat down & talked about nothing really. After we were done eating we walked back to our apartment & decided to watch some movies. "Hey, Lauren?" "Yeah Sam?" I said halfway through our twilight marathon. "You know that the concert is on your birthday right?" "Yeah. I real-" just as I was finishing my phone rang. I got up & went to the other room to answer it. "Hello?" I said "uh, Lauren?" "Um... Yes. May I ask who this is...?" It was odd that I was getting s call from an unknown number at 11 o'clock at night. "This is Ethan, hey I miss you baby" as soon as I heard that my stomach dropped & felt like throwing up. My voice was cracking & slacking, I could feel my bottom lip quivering as I tried to hold back my tears "how did you get my number?" I questioned "baby, it doesn't matter I just want to see you" I hung up after i heard those words. I had to hold myself together. I checked in the camera on my phone to see if my mascara was running, thank god it wasn't. I walked back out to the living room like nothing had happened "who was that?" Sam asked "oh, just my little sister" I said. I didn't want to worry her. "I'm really tired though. I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you in the morning" " okay love you. Sleep good" "love you too" I called back. Once I got to my room I layer in my bed curled into a ball & layer there crying until o drifted off to sleep.

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