Chapter One | Taehyung's POV

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*ring... ring... ring...*

"Namjoon-ah~ Get the phone, will you?" Soft voices emerged from just outside the door and soon after the floor creaked with footsteps nearing my door but actually just ended up walking by it. I grunted and turned over, flinging the blanket over my body as I bring my second pillow closer to my chest. "Jiminie, can you go wake up Jungkookie and Tae while Hobi goes to get Yoongi-ah, okay? Thank you both~!" I finally realized it was Jin hyung's voice asking for help, maybe he has his hands full.

My leg started to cramp making me roll onto my stomach, the pillow squished into the bed beneath me. I sigh heavily as I hear knocking commence then a soft voice asks, "May I enter?" You could hear groaning from the other side of the room where Jungkook sleeps, his reply made the knob turn as the dry metal slid across itself, making an uncomfortable sound as the door opened. "Boys, come on, wake up~" Hyung's voice sounded through the room as I flipped over to look at him, his baggy shirt and shorts are the first thing I notice from him, his pink hair is next. He looks tired, I thought as he saw me and smiled. "Morning, Tae~ How was your sleep?" He questioned as he walked over to Jungkook, placing a hand on his shoulder and shaking him, causing the youngest to stir.

"I slept pretty well, hyung. Woke up a couple times but that's about it." I responded as I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes while I let out a yawn. My head turned to see Jimin violently shaking Jungkook and I jolt out of bed, "Is he okay?"

"Huh-? Oh- Yeah. He's just not waking up, so I'm being more rough with him. Sorry if that scared you, heh~" Jimin giggled and kept shaking Jungkook and I breathed a sigh of relief, walking out of the room to get ready for the day.


Warm water splashed against my face, the liquid slipping down my face in droplets, splashing back into the sink as I reach for a towel. I dry my face and regress into the comfort of the towel, giving into the softness of the fabric against my damp face. My gaze shifts to look into the mirror as I drop the towel into the laundry bin, needing a new one tomorrow morning. My eyes are like a library, dozens of books lay hidden and my eyes are the covers, a dark, silky brown cover into my soul. I smile and reassure myself today will be a good day, just like every other day. With that I turn off the faucet and head downstairs, breakfast having been made by Jin earlier.

The aroma of toast, eggs and bacon filled the air as I reached the bottom of the stairs, my mind wandering as I effortlessly made my way into the kitchen then dining room. The table lay set with plates, forks, knives and napkins, all placed delicately onto the table as if begging me to take a seat. Making my way to my spot I sit down, gawking at the tremendous amount of food that lay neatly on the plates in the center of said table. "Pancakes will be ready in a bit, just take a seat and wait for the others~" I could hear Jin from the kitchen, had I not seen him when I walked in? Whatever, the food smells amazing already, I'm starving!

Nods and sounds of approval made their way from around the table and I realized that Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin hyung are already here, seated around me. "Oh- Good morning hyungs! I didn't notice you all," I sheepishly smirk as I scratch my neck, unsure of if they knew I didn't see them or not.

"No worries, Taehyungie~ The food smells great, so no wonder you didn't notice anyone~!" Hoseok hyung smiled and laughed, Jimin and Namjoon joining him. I realize Yoongi isn't too talkative, maybe he didn't sleep well? If anything, he's not a morning person.

"Oh yeah! Yoongi-ah? Could you come here a second?" Jin hyung suddenly stated, causing me and seemingly everyone else at the table to look towards Yoongi hyung. "I've got to tell you something."

"Sure, I'll be right over," hyung got up from his seat and made his way around Namjoon and Hoseok and towards the kitchen, meeting up behind Jin and asking, "What is it?" Their tones both quieted down to a whisper and Yoongi seemed to be interested in what Jin had been telling him.

"So, how'd you all sleep? We've got fun plans for today!" Hoseok spoke up, clasping his hands together.

"Plans? Like what? Are we going on a nature walk or something?" I asked and Jimin immediately responded,

"To get our nature badges? Ooooh I need one of those!" We all burst out laughing as Hoseok clutched his stomach and leaned back, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. My cheeks began to hurt at how wide my smile was, I enjoyed this feeling. It felt euphoric.

"No, you idiot. Tae-ssi is right, we are going on a walk. But we do plan on bringing some stuff to do. Namjoon and Jin found something in the shed outside we can all play. Yoongi hyung also plans on writing a bit as last night he said he's feeling inspired by being out here, even though he doesn't like the outdoors." Hoseok laughed again, his smile making me smile again.

"Also, you better have brought swim shorts, there's a clear lake nearby that we felt like taking a dip in and maybe playing volleyball. We do want Yoongi to join us in the water but shh, we plan on just throwing him in." Namjoon snickered while the rest of us laughed, enjoying our morning.

The food in front of me is making my stomach growl as I anticipated what the food would taste like, hoping to finally be able to eat soon. The bacon's looking crispy and smells almost like it had been smoked, maybe applewood? Smells like home to me, when I was younger, Grandpa would always make eggs and bacon on Sundays, whenever Grandma woke up she'd be delighted that food was already made and would sit and we'd eat happily. Grandpa would head out and start working and I would help Grandma clean. They were like parents to me, I wish I could see them again, they raised me to who I am as a person.

The eggs were also looking good, but most fried eggs looked the same, but these yolks definitely weren't the soft, liquid kind of ones, they were definitely hard yolk. The white contrasted around the yellow and they almost had the separation like boiled eggs do in colour. The toast was on a separate platter and was enough for us all to have at least one and a half pieces, but some of us eat more than others, so we seemed to have a good amount there. It was white bread with the exception of two wheat bread pieces sitting atop the rest.

"Alright! Pancakes are served!" Suddenly a plate of pancakes lands on the table along with Yoongi returning back to his seat. We thanked Jin and I randomly remembered something.

"Where's Kookie-ah?" My head shifted left to right in hopes of seeing our youngest, however he isn't present.

"I think he's still getting dressed. Maybe he can't find something to wear." Jimin snickered causing another bout of laughter to emerge from Hoseok.

"Don't be so mean, Jimin-ah. Maybe he's still sleeping and you did a bad job at waking him up." Jin scolded Jimin for laughing at Jungkook's possible misery, the rest of us laughing in return.

"I'll go get him," I offered as I stood, making my way out of the kitchen and back to my room. My expression faded as I opened the door, screaming as I call out for the youngest.

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