Young Heatwave and Sugar

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Hotshot: *checking the academy to see of there's troubles*

Hotshot: Seems quiet today....

Hotshot: *goes to the sim seeing the younglings resting*

Hotshot: Maybe they're not so bad after all...

Hotshot: *notices there's only three of them in the bed*

Hotshot: wait where's Heatwave?

Hotshot: *hears a big sound in the kitchen* what the?

Hotshot: *goes to the kitchen and sees pots and pans all over the floor*

Hotshot: Heatwave? i know your in here

Young Heatwave: *giggles* He will nevwer fwind me

Young Heatwave: *runs away*

Hotshot: Heatwave! *starts chasing him*

Past Rescue bots: *talking with the recruits abt the rescue*

Hotshot: *chasing Young Heatwave* HEATWAVE GET BACK HERE!

Past Heatwave: *Gets young Heatwave* Now i got you!

Young Heatwave: LET MEW GO!

Wedge: Your lucky that the other professors are awake

Hotshot: *stops chasing him* thanks...This is harder than i thought

The other young rescue bots: Mommy! Daddy!

Whirl: Hey my little sparklings!

Past Heatwave: *puts young Heatwave down*

Young rescue bots: *playing with each other*

Medix: They are fully charged now                    

Hotshot: Good

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