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The Sounds of Claws clicking against the ground makes 1101 growl in a irritant manner, that's all he can listen to, just the tap-tap-tap. It's surprising how he couldn't manage to just block it out, but He simply didn't have anything to block it out. The very empty cell has nothing in it, everyone shared similar cells. No one were accepted to be given extra treatment. 1101s white body laid against the cold hard ground as the other tests also laid on the ground, no beds were made for them, none of them.
His ears flicked as he then hears protests of a test, yelling and hissing of fear and anger. It must be them not wanting to fight, them begging their captors to not let them go fight till their very last breathe, but unfortunately, every single experiment has to go to the arena. It often led to death and even terrible injuries where it left the poor test to be disabled, which also led to death. There was no one that made it out alive. It's scary to know that your death is near. Then, out of nowhere, a small comforting voice came over to the protesting test, to probably comfort the other. It apparently was Justice and The New one, called herself Serpico. Serpico was a tough one but had a sweetheart for others who lost their siblings or even their friend. Justice was the opposite of Serpico. Justice acted like the main character in every romance novel, bullied at such a young age and yet turned out to pull more feminine experiments then anyone else, he managed to swoon nearly every feminine experiment, well, except Serpico. Serpico did not show interest in justice, which justice claimed that He'll show her how attractive he is, and yet, still manages to not get Serpicos interest. Serpico has talked to 1101 before, and always seemed to be so annoyed by Justice attempting to at least make her lightly blush.

The Soothing voice soon was interrupted by an cry of pain then was heard along with more yells of other tests, now fully pulling himself up. He walked over to the bars of his cell and looked over to see what was happening within. Seeing a whole riot in the halls, mainly seeing Serpico managing to manhandle Justice to the ground with her bare teeth. An large gash seen on Justices eye as he glared at the Dark Cobra, fangs revealed and blood spilling. It was obvious it was a fight.
1101 assumed that Serpico and Justice were the one who started it, from the fact that justices face was filled with hatred and anger, and the long gash on his face. Justice manage to spin Serpico around before pinning her down, his teeth bared and ready to kill, before Serpico revealed her own fangs and bit onto Justices throat, flesh already torn by her fangs as she savagely ripped out the man's throat, her face now covered by a experiments blood. She steadily got up and left his corpse on the ground and watched as the Guards surrounded her, covered with gear to protect and do harm. Serpico lets out a chuckle before backing herself up to one of them, grabbing their weapon and opening fire on the rest, she used the end of the gun to smash it against the guards face, a broken nose for sure. She dropped the gun before running over to one of the bodies to loot it for something, a shine appeared as she seemed pleased. Keys.

She then saw 1101 as it immediately caught her interest, running over at him and staring him in his eyes before dropping the keys in front of him, 1101 looking a bit concerned before suddenly the sound of flesh piercing by burning lead was heard. An Bullet wound on the side of her stomach, she used to hand to pressure it before nodding at 1101. "you know what to do, get everyone out. now." she'd say in a demanding tone before running off, the small trail of blood slowly after her.
1101 watched before grabbing the keys that was placed on the ground and attempted to open the door through the bars, a sudden loud click was heard and it opened. He looked around before approaching someone, giving them the keys and commanding them to release everyone. Suddenly hearing the sirens go off that meant that the test gotten out, he has to go, now.

The large fight of claws and teeth still went on in the background. He looked back at what was going on before dashing off  across the so-called endless halls before bursting into the vents of the lab, the vents were very small for him to fit but he needed to get out and after forcing himself to crawl around in the vents, he saw the light of a lamp and a turquoise light of his friend. He bursts through the vents and fell on the ground, now getting up and hurrying over to a grey figure.
"Rover, we gotta go, quick! This is most likely our only chance!" Said 1101 as He shook his robotic friend, 01 powering on before letting out a bark. "Of Course Bob! I'm so glad you came to me first, my hero!" 01s visor became a normal happy face to a <3 before being lead into the vents to get the hell out. "Yeah Yeah, suck it up." 1101 replies as they soon continue to crawl through the vents, the smell of blood was strong but they continued before 01 stopped. "Look friend! An Exit! I see the beautiful moon.." Happily said the Robotic dog as it stared outside before 1101 pushed 01 out, jumping out of the vents as well. The two jumped up and looked at Each other, a loud howl echoed throughout the darkness as 1101s ears lowered. "Fuck! Its the Trackers, lets go, now!" Urgently yelled 1101 as he grabbed onto 01s paw and lead him away into a hiding spot. 1101 stopping at an unusual spot in the forest before digging a foxhole. 01 taking watch.

Trackers were ones who usually hunted for other tests who have escaped, Aella was the best one out there because of her wolf-like abilities. Better scent and Can hear anything from afar, along with being very scary. 1101 breathe quickens with gear and panic before shoving Rover into the foxhole with him. "Shhh, stay quiet. Don't want you to be heard." 1101 said before hearing steps from afar. A group mumbling "Ugh! Where are they?! I've been Itchin' for a fight!" "no need to fight, Aella. You go over there, I'll keep an eye on this place." "Good idea!" Steps were soon heard of someone walking away, the woman who decided to stay Yawned in Exhaustion before laying against the tree. "Fuck man. I'm doomed if I don't find 'em.. I think I might have an Idea." The Person then got up once more and wandered off. 01 poking its head out before looking back at 1101. "We're safe!" "Thanks Rover. Now let's go, we gotta hide for a while. Knowing the trackers."  1101 says, jumping out of the Foxhole and walking off, leading Rover to a cave before deciding to stay there for a bit. 01 grabbed 1101 and gently held him close, his face against 1101s shoulder as he growled. Attempting to warm up both, it was a cold and windy night, knowing that, it wasn't gonna be pleasant. 1101 sighed as He pats 01 and drift off into sleep. The Two Experiments falling asleep as they stayed near each other to prevent being cold. The Dark night and the clouds covering the lovely stars for tonight, 01 happily dreamed of him and 1101, walking around the flower fields and laughing, being free from the constant fear.

But for now, they must wait. For more danger lies ahead.


"His blood shall spill against the living grass as a way to seek revenge for death of a loved one."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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