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I heard Jeremiah the fingernail banging on the bathroom door, trying to get in. I heard him sniffing for my scent. He was screaming my name. "EVAN! YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!" He yelled, followed by psychotic laughter. Around five minutes passed. The environment had grown silent. I carefully got up and tiptoed to the bathroom door, listening. He had walked away. I silently opened the door... but what awaited outside sent shivers down my spine.
His dead wife lay on the floor in front of me. She, too, was a fingernail, but a pool of blood surrounded her. I walked around her dead body, looking for anything I could use as a weapon. Just then, I heard someone making a "Pssst" sound. I turned to the spare bedroom to see his two children with terrified expressions beckoning to come over to them. I walked over. "Our dad's gone mad!" The one to the right said. "You've gotta help us!" Said the other. They told me their names. The one to the right was apparently Julia, the other was Max. Julia looked up at me, her keratin eyes full of worry. "We're gonna have to attack him!" She said. Max took out his lipstick. "Hopefully if we make it out alive I can get all the hot bad boys," He said. He was a gay icon since that moment.
The three of us walked down the stairs into the living room. Jeremiah was there. He started running towards me with his knife. I stepped on him, but he still managed to stab me in the leg. I winced in pain, but compressed my foot against Jeremiah even harder. Max and Julia helped push my foot to compress it more. I started rubbing my foot back and forth against the floor until he finally died. Max and Julia hopped off my foot. I turned to them. "WE DID IT GUYS!" Max had a huge smile on his face. But it wasn't his hot homosexual grin. It was a terrifying evil smile. He gave Julia a look, and she smiled too. Then they started running at me. Julia jumped on me and wrapped her small hands around my neck, but they grew larger and tightened. I struggled to breathe. I could have sworn this was the end for me until I saw a nearby tooth pick on the floor. Quickly, a grabbed the tooth pick from the floor and stabbed them both in the chests, killing them. I couldn't believe they turned their backs on me.
I gasped for air, falling to the floor.
Needless to say, I don't think I'll ever trust a fingernail ever again... and you shouldn't either...

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