Chapter 23

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Demetria's POV

I woke with a startle. Cold water was thrown on me, yet I barely had the energy to open my eyes. But I forced my self to. I have to get the hell out of here. I don't want to be here any more.

The same Guards from last time we're standing in front of me snickering at my reaction. They must have seen my exhaustion. I don't know how long I had been here. But I had no food and no water.

My healing ability drained my energy in a matter of a few hours. I had nothing left. I could feel my self shutting down, and going numb. But I wouldn't allow it. Illustrious my wolf, was still going strong.

"We have something special for you today."

The guard seemed a little too anxious to start torturing me. They undid my chains, before making me stand and chaining my hands again, but this time behind me.

I had no clue what was about to happen. Until the brought me from the dungeons , and out into the open. Once I had left the dungeons completely, my knowing had come back.

It was quite weird, almost as if they had a spell on only the dungeons. Where a witch can't access her powers in any form. But I didn't have my powers. As my body was just too drained to use it.

I had got the vibe off of all 2 guards that they were going to do something really bad. It had scared me, I had no idea what it could be. But my senses were telling me to run, yet I couldn't.

They walked me a quarter mile into the woods, where there was an open circle. In the middle of the circle , there was a wooden platform. One I had seen before, but only from afar and in books.

It was a whipping platform if I was correct. And it turns out I am. The chained me to the pole with my hands in front of me, and no room to wiggle.

I could already taste the iron in my mouth from the blood that was going to drawn. I only thought the other punishment was cruel. But this one was by far the worst.

I couldn't cry, as I had no tears left. I was scared at my wits ends. Illustrious wanted to take control, and take all the pain. But I was against it. I wouldn't allow her to suffer. Especially after what she did for me in our previous life.

Each guard had a whip in their hand, practicing cracking it. So that they would be ready when it come down to using it on me. I knew all I had to do was agree. But I wouldn't have it.

Out of the blue, the first crack come across my back, from my left shoulder all the way to my waist. It burned so badly, and I could feel the blood just oozing out of the wound.

I bit my lip so hard that it had brought blood as well. But just as soon as the mark came, it had gone. My healing powers were in full swing since I was out of the dungeons.

With each crack that met my back, I hit into my lip. My body becoming more and more numb. They took turns laughing and hitting me again and again.

Mid way through, I had felt a pain erupt in my gut. A burning sensation that shook me to my core. It was more painful than any punishment that monster had dealt.

My heart was breaking slowly, and I couldn't understand why. I wanted so badly to break, yet I refused. After a few minutes, the burning had quit completely. And I still to put my finger on what was happening.

The guards took a short break. Letting my back heal, while they had their lunch or dinner. At this point I couldn't tell. Illustrious had come forth, trying to say something. I couldn't make out what she was saying fully. And by the few words I had understood, told me what the pain was.

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