Meet & Greet Goodbye [12]

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~Will's P.O.V.~

The car ride down from where I live was very peaceful and relaxing. I quietly sat by myself and listened to my music the entire way. It was nice for once to have that time alone.

I slowly and carefully pulled up to the cube house and parked my car in the driveway. I carefully got out of the car, and was quickly greeted by a small pair of arms with rings that covered the fingers. I quickly knew exactly who it was. Bee, aka heyimbee, just had to wrapped her gentle arms around my waist and was holding me tight.

"WILLIAM SHAKES!" she shouted at me, with excitement in her voice. I could tell she was excited to see me. It had been so long since I saw the Australians last, and it was nice to be the first one there to greet them.

"Hey Bee." I said with a smile. She slowly unwrapped her arms from my waist and grabbed one of my bags from off the ground. I grabbed the extra bags and we slowly walked inside the cube house.

The cube house was very big and very nice, it was almost like living in a mansion. Bee and I, approach the first room in the hallway. We dropped my stuff on the right side of the room, just to make sure that Jordan would not move it again. Jordan was very picky like that.

I heard slightly larger footsteps come running from down the hall. I stopped dead and was quickly embraced by no one other then Straub. Mitchell smiled at me and said; "WILLLLL! Nice to see you again pal!"

"Very nice to see you aswell dude! Welcome to London!" I smiled brightly, and sat down on the edge of my bed. Mitchell, sat down beside me, as Bee had gone to order a pizza for lunch. I was very hungry.

"So Will, got plans for this weekend with Hannah?" I knew he was going to ask me about Hannah. Mitchell was introduced to her at one point after our vid.

"Yeah actually, at seven, I am meeting her for coffee at a local coffee shop, along with her friend Kelsey. Then we are gonna come chill back here. All the guys and girls were chill with it." I smiled at Mitchell. This week was going to be a blast, and I knew it already.

"Oh sweet dude! I assume we are all exvited to meet them!" Mitchell said to me, with a hint of tease in his voice. I laughed nervously. I didn't want any of the guys to embarrass her, or me in that matter. At some times, the cube boys could get very rambunctious. That's really their personality though. I can't tell them not to be themselves.

After a while of talking, Mitchell have left my room, to go that with Bee in the living room. The two of them are such great friends. I wish I could be as close to someone, as Bee is close to Mitchell.

I flopped down on my bed in relief, and looked at my phone. Jordan should be flown in soon. I was so excited to see him again. It was always so much fun to make fun of Jordan for stupid little things.

I know this weekend would be quite hectic. Brayden would most likely make us all sing with him. One Direction probably. They boys were taking me for my first ever Dairy Queen. The cube meet up was supposed to be pretty cool aswell. We decided to have this meet up outside, and not publicize it as much as the Pax East meet and greet. It just did not work out to our, and the fans advantages.

Hours had passed, and Mitchell, Bee, and I were headed in my car to pick up some people at the airport. Graser, Brayden, Mitch, Ryan, and of course, Jordan had all arrived in. I could fit four in my car, and Mitchell hired a Taxi for two of us.

We all pulled up at the airport, and took off inside the waiting area, where we all spotted Brayden, Graser, and Mitch. All three of us ran over and hugged them. I didnt hug Brayden, instead we shook hands. Something was up between us and we all know it.

Graser pulled me into a very tight hug. "William Shakespeare!" He smile and laughed his ridiculous laugh, while I giggled a bit.

"Shouldn't you be hugging your wife Graser? I mean. #kiingraser is pretty okay. But Grasbee is canon. Right Mitchell?" I laughed as Graser let go and hugged Bee tight.

"Oh umm, sure yeah." Mitchell seemed bummed about something, but his mood flew threw the roof when he hugged Brayden. The P Brothers. I could already tell that the two of them would be inseparable all weekend.

We all sat down in the waiting area, waiting to see Jordan and Ryan. Mitch, Brayden, and I were all on the edges of out seats. We were all seeing our best friends again.

Mitch stood up in an instant at the slight glance of Ryan. Brayden followed soon after. I peeked up, and looked around a the crowd to find a quiet Jordan. I smiled and the two of us ran towards each other, and hugged each other tight, Jordan dropping his bags.

I heard a silent squeal from behind me, as I assumed Bee was having a #Kiani, heart attack. I smiled and we both let go. "How's it going Jordan! Long time no see dude!" I smiled and grabbed one of his bags. He gently hugged the other guys, whom which he wasn't as close to.

When he finally walked back to me, he answered in his deep voice. "It's going pretty good! If I do say so myself!" He smiled at me, and the seven of us walked in a pack, back out to the Taxi and my car. Brayden, Ryan, and Mitch all chose to take the taxi back. The three were probably going to talk the entire ride back. I hopped into the front seat of the car, and Jordan offered the front passenger seat to Bee, but she politely declined and allowed Jordan to slip in.

We both smiled at each other, and then laughed. The back seats were full, it being Mitchell, Bee in the middle, and then Graser. "There are so many romances in this car right now. I might faint." Bee giggled and sat back, as I pulled out of the airport, and back onto the roads.



Hey guys!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Do leave me requests for P.o.v.s that you would like to see!

This chapter was very fun to write! I also hope you enjoy the hint of Kiani!

Thank you so much for 400+ reads!!

xxx Hannah


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