🎥How it started

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I sat at lunch by myself. I had friends but not friends you would hang out with at lunch or at recess. I'm in the 6th grade and i still didn't have any friends. Mom says it's because I'm not active and I don't try but I know it's because of my skin color. All my life i been "too black" to do this and "too ghetto" to do this. It's been happening all my life. "When stuff like this happens you get back up and try again Sophia Sinclair." I can hear momma saying it in her sort of country white accent.

"Hey" a boy my age with brown hair and brown eyes said as I stared at him. "Uh hi" I said looking him up and down. He had on a green shirt with blue jeans and a clean pair of shoes. He's probably rich i thought as I looked at his nice shoes.

Before I could say anything he sat right beside me our knees touching. He didn't say a word till he looked up to see my puzzled face. I never been this close to a white boy without him calling me a racist slur he probably heard from a racist movie.. my thoughts were interrupted by him asking what my name is.

"Sophia Sinclair" I answered him. "And you are" before I could finish my question he interrupted me again. "Steve" he said with a smile on his face showing his missing tooth on the bottom row.

We sat in silence. "Do you want these I hate pickles" I said as I held up some tuna fish my mom packed me. "I love pickles" the boy said smiling some more as he took my tuna fish sandwich.

After that day me and Steve the hair Harrington would be best friends for ever and ever as we promised each other at recess that week. Steve was the first person to look at me as a person and not someone to laugh at.

"moon kissed" Steve Harrington x o.c Where stories live. Discover now